
I’d be cautious of making statements like “Today’s Cartoons Are the Best They’ve Ever Been”. The new Powerpuff Girls remake is proof that some studios get it wrong just as often as they get it right.

Thanks for doing the journalist’s job for them. They clearly need the help...

This sounds awful. The reason why Battlefield 1 was so much fun in the first place was that it eschewed post Modern Warfare FPS “perks” in favor of an approach that rewarded well timed movement and accuracy. BF1 went back to the roots of FPS skill and now they’re going to ruin it by making it just like every other

I would be highly disappointed if there isn’t a pouch joke or a Summers family tree joke.

Not every country recognizes Nerd Law. Don’t even get me started on Bird Law...

Everyone knows you can only trust even number savages...

Your name is 31 savage, how can you even talk?

It’s not fucking Narnia.

Way, way too late.

I assume the PSP’s five different versions equally annoy you.

Do you have the lyrics of the genitals version? I’m curious and maybe looking to fuck with my neighbors kareoke party.

Remastered versions! Now with less content than the original!

Great insight. Thanks for reading!

I used to work for PayPal and several other payment processors in the past, so I thought I’d stop and make a post about how chargebacks work through PayPal and other payment remitters. I haven’t worked in that industry in years, but from what I understand from old co-workers, it’s roughly the same policy-wise.

I have to be honest. I had way more fun watching that video than playing the game. Ever.

Loading times killed the new Mirror’s Edge for me. The first didn’t seem to have any particularly long loading times post-death, so you could keep your groove going as you run through the map trial-and-error style. But the sequel had such unbearably long loading screens that just a couple mistimed jumps would make me

I’m actually curious how that’ll shake out, too

You can wear a stupid T-Shirt while you play it on PC.

$30?!? Yowzers.