
Well, for one thing, he’s barely a tank. He’s a no-shield, ult-charging bullet sponge with pretty high dps output. Definitely closer to a damage dealer than he is a tank.

Me too.

Yeah, I mean, how long was Ico? 2 hours ?

I’d say between 12 and 15, depending on your puzzle-solving skills and luck with Trico. It’s a good length for this sort of game.

The way game development is, I would take a year vacay as well.

Good for him. Game dev work is brutal and everyone needs time to recharge after what I’m sure has been a relentless few years.

I was going to say the same thing. Pick one engine to update and put all the content in that package.

Or, you know, just make a new Wipeout!

Technically, it was because of the chocolate made from other Buus, not other people. Still, it’ll send a strange message either way.

Man this game is going to be fucking weird.

Good. Roadhogs make great Roadkill. I condone this behaviour. Another reason for Blizz to fix the hooks. xD

I like Felix as a person. I have no interest in Pewdiepie.
If he’s dropping the nonsense and acting more like himself, I may actually finally start watching....

Until he changes his mind when he hits 50 mill and really only did this for publicity and cheap subs. Douchebags go to these desperate lengths.

Welp, I’ll do my part. Never thought I’d be subscribing to PewDiePie, but it’s for a good cause.

Even Majin Buu can get ripped!

I actually just started working out about a week ago. Enjoying a gym session really depends on your gym! At mine, no one is judging me for watching Flip Flappers on the Elliptical (or talking to me). It’s great. At others, random men want to tell me how to do crunches. It’s a toss-up.

Or Yajirobe

what about the fans who are inspired by buu