This is still pretty gross imo. Microtransactions in a $60 game are an awful trend.
This is still pretty gross imo. Microtransactions in a $60 game are an awful trend.
Absolutely crazy. Yet the Gears of War Remaster is going for $40 and technically comes with 3 other titles. Not to mention that the Gear is overall a much better game.
I cannot believe they are re-releasing this game for $50. Clearly just trying to capitalize on the recent Deadpool hype with the movie coming next year. I suspected the price to drop within a month of release.
What’s so hard to understand?
I’d say it’s worth waiting for The Taken King to come out next month and getting it with the other two DLCs and the base game for $60 flat. That expansion in conjunction with the past DLC looks to really improve upon the base game. It was always sound from a shooting mechanics pov (it actually feels a lot like Halo in…
For all that people like to rag on it for X, Y or Z reason, it is legitimately one of the better games of the last couple years.
While I agree with what you are trying to say, you are comparing apples to oranges.. Rareware wasn’t working on a 64 port at the time (Nintendo’s fault.) They had nothing better to do than to port the game to the SNES.
Agreed. Let’s stop supporting inferior technology. Every game made from here forth will be a PC game!
obviously they arent gonna be a fluid 60 fps. but they are supposedly a fairly solid 30 dropping in intense action scenes.
If they paid in full, chances are the refunds will turn into gift cards locked to the places they preordered...I think.
Nah, they will. I just think it’s the “hip” thing to say right now.
Good, let’s stop supporting last gen. More people need to start upgrading.
Pre-ordered from GameStop, as soon as the release got changed to Dec. 31, the manager called me and told me it’s probably canceled and I got my money back. Not a huge deal.
Sometimes gamestop keeps it, trust me...
Or Conan’s faux-gamer response
This is not how Nintendo handles fight scenes.