I’m not denying that, and I don’t think it’s entirely fair to call it a beta. It never felt like a completely finished game to me, and TTK sounds like the game Destiny should be (if that makes sense).
I’m not denying that, and I don’t think it’s entirely fair to call it a beta. It never felt like a completely finished game to me, and TTK sounds like the game Destiny should be (if that makes sense).
If this past year was a beta it is the most fun I’ve ever had with one.
While I’ve had the game since week 1 (maybe day 1; don’t remember), having just got back in last month with House of Wolves (after something like a 6 or 7 month hiatus), the “Year One Beta” joke really hits home. The amount of intuitive changes made in HoW, not to mention the amount of improvement coming in TTK really…
I don’t know what it says about me that not only did I watch it in one sitting but that I was also laughing all the way through.
Not enough. I think, in general, that she deserves a raise, because she has reported and written some of the most interesting articles about video games over the past year or two.
A few things here.
It was uploaded yesterday, Kojima tweeted about it today. You know what is funny? I was already off work; it’s Friday night. Instead of heading off into the weekend right away, I decided to stay late to post a quick thing that I thought people might enjoy. This weekend, I’ll probably be on the lookout for Pokemon news…
Yup. I JUST found Hawkmoon a couple weeks ago from a Nightfall. I can’t believe it’s taken Xur to sell Gjallahorn for me to finally get one.
no one wearing seatbelt.. no one wearing any helmet :D
I always wondered what would happen if Kim Jong Un ran a gaming company instead of a dictatorship. It’d probably be something like this but with more executions by anti aircraft gun.
Lol. My son played a raid yesterday and I heard him yell “not another ftrakin’ Last Word! Why can’t you be Thorn?” I laughed so hard.
Do keep in mind prospective viewers that Richard isn’t even doing justice how bad the fanservice can get. In one episode, the fighter of the party(the redhead) was *ahem* licked by a dog to till she pretty much reached orgasm. Yeah.... >_>;
Ah yes, selling the Gjallarhorn right as it’s on the chopping block to get nerfed.
Lord Voldemort?
I’ve never worked at a place in my 17 years of working that didn’t have some verison of “If you go and run your mouth to the media without getting prior approval, you will be fired.” Every place has this, everywhere.
I need somebody to hug.