
Just thinking of the Oryx Daughters and Oryx boss fight... Just great boss fights that Bungie made. There’s no cheesing or anything and before the challenge modes even existed, they thought 16 orb strat was cheesy. Oh little did everyone know that Bungie liked the idea of 16 orb coordination. I hope the next raid

“Death Walks Among You.” Quoth Reaper

I like the reload sound but the rest is terrible. >.<

Title should be called something like “A Quick Look of a Overwatch 3-in-1 map” or “Overwatch’s play areas on a map Are in One location”
orrr... Just call it “Overwatch Map Glitch Reveals Entire Map

I’m thinking of switching to PC version now.

The first twitter photo made me laugh. Twerk, twerk... Twerk it!

This one is great! hahaha

I wouldn’t call myself a fan of Metroid but I am a fan. just not a huge fan. Anways. OMGDOAISDF.... this needs to be a thing! I would watch.
That short could be the intro for the anime or a teaser for the real thing

wow, gaming artists are savage. haha. I liked a few and saved them.
They’re pretty funny. It’s just that now, I gotta separate the Real Dva from the Gremlin Dva. I doubt the real Dva would do such stereotypical things. lol

Basically tracer or Soldier 76

Stop whining. We know you are broke; You work hard, long hours at minimum wage and can’t afford your own internet —let alone decent internet & bills— plus, $40 on PC is not much compared to consoles priced at $60. No cheaters on Console... yet. Yeah! I paid the extra $20 to play with my console friends. Got a problem?

Is this easy mode?


Man, I wish I could get one of his hunter characters and rig it for Garry’s Mod to play as.

I want to see a speedrun of this on Ultra Nightmare

What’s wrong with calling it by it’s real GTA V name? Faggio.
It’s Faggio, Not Vespa.

ah, the “Banish Zone.” or “Removed from Play Pile” which technically isn’t a zone. It’s just cards removed from play in Yugioh.

Disney’s Split/Second was pretty cool. Never seen Disney do a racing game like that since; There was a rumour that the “Split/Second 2" game was being made but It was cancelled. (sad face)

I think this guy is gonna become a meme.
Guy #1: “Omg, I just beat (insert game title here)!”
Meme: “Yeah? But do you have a shiny charizard, bro? (quickly pulls up shadowbox full of charizards)“

Alan Resnick obviously was a fan of Jumanji.
You know that part where the floor turns into sinking sand and they get stuck and have to use their mouth to roll the dice or game’s pieces?