Sensitive Sprouling

Wow what a terrible decision from the Florida front office. This dude is a hell of a coach just to get the Panthers to sniff the playoffs and they fire him so early into a long season. It’s not like 11-10-1 is a terrible start, especially for Florida.

The one dude in the world that owns a Hurricanes hat driving the

That’s why I’m an advocate of putting a microchip in the ball so that we have a quick 100% on if the ball went through the upright’s or crossed the goal line or not.

I like the “Eh, fuck it” on the face of the ref that decides no decision is the best decision. Good for the ref on the right for making an emphatic, and correct call.

And this is why we have President-Elect Trump.

Am I the only one that still looked to the left of Nene for Westbrook during every replay?

2 things, doesn’t the American constitution read that “all men are created equal” not “all Americans”. Yes I know the white land owning male ironic aspect but can’t that be interpreted as everyone in the world falls under the constitutional umbrella? They are stated as “inalienable rights” so they belong to everyone

Not to mention we already have it documented that Trump offered Kasich the position of head of foreign and domestic all policy had Kasich been Trumps running mate, which Kasich turned down. Pence is the actual head of the snake here, Trump is just the boisterous orange face.

Dude that’s boxing out your man 101, gain better positioning on the ball vs your man and make yourself big so they can’t get there first. You see this play in every single game played like here in the open field or more obviously when a defender boxes out an onrushing attacker so the ball can go out of play for a goal

His comeback was about as good as the Cincinnati offense today.

Makes sense that the Trump/Pence sponsorship would be outsourced to a Japanese car.

I would definitely agree the trainer landed the hardest shot with his first hit.

Classic Crosby.

I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised for this to be some stunt thought up by Kanye in preparation of a secret track or album release called ‘jewels’ or something. It’s the kind of stupid bad tv script writing that Kanye would think is good and then pitch as ‘fresh’ and ‘unique’ after he’s done it which will allow him

Hard to take anyone seriously in those uniforms.

$5 on USC firing Helton and hiring Miles within the week.

I’m torn with this team USA. On one hand I love supporting team USA in any sport but especially in Hockey. On the other hand John Tortorella is a giant douche nozzle and I wish him no success.

Fucking hate those cheap shots from behind from people that aren’t a part of the fight. What a little puss.

Why protest the anthem yet still choose to wear the emblem and represent your country on the field?

Well written article, had a hard time coming up with why exactly I didn’t like the post myself. I guess a lot of it has to do with it being straight propaganda like the article says. All this photo shows in my head is ‘look how fucked up this is and if you do it you’ll go to prison and fuck up the people in your life

I can see Michael Douglas playing him in the future movie now.