Sensitive Sprouling

Not a bad play if you don’t get caught, welcome to the NHL Rook.

A soccer God gifting what he uses to become said God, what will fetch thousands for charity, and these yahoos freak out because this guy who has zero ties to the Arab world/culture didn’t know it was an insult?

Fuck it, I’m with the Republicans now, let’s bomb the shit out of Agrabah.

Just like how you can’t teach height, you can’t teach stupid and Russell is 8'6 of stupid.

He was givin him the business.

Admit guilt and you can’t fight it. It’s a common occurrence for a traffic ticket to be dropped because it’s fought in court and since it’s so trivial most judges/cops don’t want to deal with a drawn out traffic dispute in court.

Stated by a true #whiteprivilege follower.

The Miss. St. coaches are all relieved because had he done this while he was enrolled they would have to discipline him.

TO be fair, the guy whos dong he grabbed name is Willie, maybe he just thought that’s how he shakes hands.

I had my doubts on this movie as soon as I heard Jesse Eisenberg was cast as Lex Luthor. This guy is a weird nerd that can really only play nerds, have you seen him trying to be athletic in American Ultra? Him as the badass main villain to Superman? Nah.

I would still like to know what “packa packa” is and why this guy is so against it.

The fact that Oshie was given a roughing minor while Cosby wasn’t is the exact reason people hate Crosby, even the refs give him favoritism.

Injured dude at the end looking more worried about what his wife is gonna say when he gets home than his busted leg.