
I wonder what would happen if you happen to throw in an extra color cube in there. For instance take out a red square and put in an extra white. I wonder it the robot would get stuck in a loop or freak out and throw the cube at your head.

Does anyone know how well this works on keeping the shirts wrinkle free, or at least keep them from becoming more wrinkled?

I've haven't gotten around to it yet, but I've been meaning to put an NFC sticker on my bike that will automatically make sure GPS is on, put phone in vibrate, and launch My Tracks to map my route.

Great, thanks alot. How can you do this to me? Why would you point me to another site where I can buy quality items at cheap prices. I might as well just mail them my paycheck.

I built my PC from the ground up. I had to get everything. In total it probably came to +$2200.

Owner here too. I actually bought extra batteries from Amazon for about $8 each one. The only thing that sucks about that is charging them, which I do at work while my phone is just sitting there.

One more for the Galaxy Nexus.

Just get a leg strap, (sometimes called an ankle band). It's essentially just a velcro strap to keep pants from getting caught in your chain, usually a very reflective color. They come in many styles and colors, and for the most part very cheap.

Bow ties are cool.

Not all of us had the chance to grow up with our fathers.

That parallel parking was pretty badass. It's labeled as "Tightest parallel parking in reverse - Ronny Wechselberger, 35 cm"

How come no one has said Doctor Who, or Heroes? There is also Dollhouse too.

I guess it's because it gives people a better sense of distance. Most people know what a football field as opposed to acres.

That's very true. And before that they fall off the building.

Probably. I Just out of curiosity, what does rabbit taste like?

Anyone who says that "money doesn't buy happiness," just doesn't know where to shop. I forgot who said that.

He is there. Number 54 on the list.

That's only in the sequel.

I thought my mind was blown when I found the base camps. And then I hit "Fullscreen Mode".

I use my bike as a means of transport, so using a car charger is out of the question for me. I do carry a charger with me, an extra battery, an external battery, and my messenger bag actually has a built in battery as well.