WARRIORS! Revive the power of the ORBS

Look, Tituss Burgess shoulda played Ursula. Casting Melissa McCarthy’s fine, but sub-optimal.

Is your argument that unless you can talk about all problematic things you can’t talk about one problematic thing without it seeming odd that you’re not talking about all the other problematic things?

I would say that’s a load of BS considering how bad the PC port of Halo Infinite was. It really doesn’t matter where the studio is. Some companies just suck at PC ports. The PC port of FFIX was a masterclass on PS3 and PC from Square Enix no less.

Idk how she does it. That brand of toxicity definitely stopped me from playing competitive online games with open voice chat + randos and she’s getting it way worse. Heck even LoL text chat was a bridge too far. I’m already subjecting myself to the grind of ranked play. Why do I need to also bathe in whatever sexist/r

So just to be clear: we're supposed to hate Jason Sudeikis because of a report from a former nanny that both he and Olivia Wilde denied was true, and also because a process server did their job? Even for present-day AV Club, this is a shockingly bad take.

Filming in the actual quantum realm is expensive.

Looked like some de-aging technology going on in the Silverstone ad.

Didn’t HBO show the bloater during the mini preview at the end of episode 4 last week? Too lazy to check, but I feel like anyone who watched until the end of 4 already got a glimpse of it.

You think that’s weird? Then this is going to blow your mind: some creators actually pay their own money to have their content aired alongside the Super Bowl. It turns out scrappy young artists like Budweiser and Chrysler are so desperate for any kind of exposure in our late stage capitalist system that they’ll

Even, apparently, the ones who never cared about the franchise before Rowling did her best to blow up her legacy.

Transphobes: Wow, trans people are always so dramatic. MAYBE I’d support them if they didn’t act like victims all the time.

I didn’t know about before, but I am ... pleased that their accountability project exists

On the flip side, inflation has outpaced wage increases greatly.

As has been noted, this really looks a lot more like scripted Drunk History than a follow-up to the original movie. But I still hope it’s at least fun.

This is a full-fledged recap. Meanwhile, we had Kenneth’s very different (and IMO great) commentary piece about how this episode takes on greater meaning when viewed in the context of a post-apocalypse where queer history has largely been forgotten. Then there was one that summed up the writers talking about why they

AVClub: *posts long article hyping up the next season of Doctor Who*

I seriously doubt this is the most unhinged take.

Bartlett was quoted in an EW interview that was posted after the episode aired that it was (I’m paraphrasing a bit) like having this big, sprawling, incredible horror/sci-fi story and then just dropping a beautiful Sundance film in the middle of it. Highly accurate.

With his line about their being no cure even before the apocalypse, and I think you’re right.

Frank, in the final stages of cancer