WARRIORS! Revive the power of the ORBS

Here’s your article, people. I wonder why it took so long? Look at all these tributes. RIP, Mike.

Thank you—and thanks Mike, rest well, you made a lot of people happy. Truly Fahey was the best of us.

If you skipped to the comments please notice the GoFundMe link the editors posted at the end.

Gaiman (as usual) had the best response.

I’ve seen this sentiment on few posts (most statements with far more acidity than yours) and don’t think I can let it go by unaddressed any longer: I assure you the site is not ignoring Mike’s devastating passing. Grief doesn’t operate on a timeline. Mike was crucial figure in many of our lives—in my mind, the most

wHy HaVenT yOu WrItTeN aBoUt YoUr DeAd FrIeNd!

Are you suggesting that keffals was simply offended by something someone on kiwi farm said and then she went after them?

I guess “Kiwifarms as Russian state media” makes a certain kind of sense.

“If you could read minds, you wouldn't game at all" wow so insightful

She uses her body to make money hand over fist and invests it in business ventures that will outlive her youth and allow her to retire young, all without having to touch even a single simp.

Given the way Playstation exclusives have gone the last few years, I’m cautiously optimistic that this version will get a PC port, and I’ll finally get to see what all the fuss was about. 

I only pre-order a couple of days before, simply for either the pre-install, or so it’s delivered to my house on time =P

Don’t. Pre. Order. Games.

I like to pretend that the person at TPCi who makes these decisions is secretly anti-pre-order and is deliberately mocking all the idiots that feel the need to pre-order a fucking Pokemon game.

anytime i go on vacation with the family, disney channel in blocks.

I lived in a hotel for a month or so and Disney and Nick aired everything in blocks.

Not what was written at all.

Cloudflare doesn’t just do site protection any more. They are literally hosting the site.

I love that this is what you’re mad about and not the fact that Kiwifarms has literally caused people to commit suicide. “Killing people is no biggie, but how DARE YOU try and inconvenience a company!”

Me over here having a conundrum over the rise of AI and if a century down the line we will have a race of semi-sentient beings on our hands.

Record Prodcuers:

If you think about it, isn’t a white man writing lyrics for a black artist just blackface by proxy?