WARRIORS! Revive the power of the ORBS

Circle of the Moon definitely needs a good controller remapping. Or the Switch Lite’s D-pad needs to be in a better spot.

It’s the classic victim mentality and it is really effective on people who don’t think about their actions or avoid critical thinking. It’s amazingly powerful.

Rig the system, then convince your base that they’re the ones the system is rigged against. It’s pretty simple.

Good. My pants would fall down otherwise.

Well, clearly the lesson to learn from this is “never apologize,” especially in a text format.

If it’s Rivers, it’s probably going to be some creepy thing with a too-young fan.

Remember last year’s World Series where a player tested positive right in the middle of the game, was taken off, then joined the celebration with his teammates ...

So we’ve finally reached the point in the fandom cycle where he’s able to get back in the saddle, eh?

The picture they chose is fantastic

The trick is the right knee. It ends up providing a solid support for your other leg and just leaves the rest to the arms.

So I’m almost halfway through on my journey of the current Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters that are out as of this writing. I started with III, which ended up being a good choice as it’s the one that differs the most from its most recent port (DS/3-D Steam). For anyone who doesn’t know the background, that version was

If anything, seeing the leaked still from that Kirby game made me a lot more interested in seeing what they were going to do with it.


If only they included that link and several others in this story to show how fucked the market is. And if only the entire article had a skeptical tone about price.

Yeah, the important thing to note here is she’s 3 years into her job and they’ve been unearthing shit that’s been going on for over a decade. Is she totally clean? Probably not. But I can’t blame someone for leaving when they realize the mess they were hired to deal with was far bigger than they were told.


Watching it sometimes makes me thing they don’t work with a script for at least half of it, just a mood board. Someone spent a day or two cutting up magazines and handed those pieces to Elizabeth Moss. From there, she tries to emote it in Extended Closeup No. 17 of the season.

All I see when I see WipEout is some terrible slang for exposing oneself.

Let’s not forget that Fucker also use Nicki’s cousin’s balls to push the super racist “Great Replacement” bullshit too.

Nope, I just checked and it’s $5 on iOS.