Senseless Alchemist

Yeah! This happens to me too. I really haven’t had time to draw lately (except doodling on my notes) and that has made me very sad.

I know it can be tough to even want to go out and talk to a physician/medical professional, and obviously it doesn’t work for everyone, but SSRIs can be incredibly helpful. I’m on a maintenance dose and have been for like ten years now, and it really helps me stay on a more even keel and feel like doing shit.

Probably Ravenclaw.

Homemade applesauce with a little bit of maple syrup. I have the best eating habits.

Hormonal birth control doesn’t agree with me, unfortunately. At least, the kinds I’ve tried.

I wish I could abstain from periods.

I love how some are so ginger and delicate when knocking something off, and other ones just go for it and swipe it right off the table. Also the ones who seem to be just chillin’ and then suddenly notice something that offends them and down it goes.

The sad part is you can’t count on getting any of those things, even at a university level, due to a whole bunch of factors (what’s being offered, what your major is, where you go to school....)

Disgaea 4, uh, probably Majora’s Mask on the 3DS, and some Diablo III.

My parents have a tabby-and-white who loves to roll in the dirt. His very favorite thing to do is to roll in the ashes of an old fire and come out absolutely gray. Then, of course, he wants to loll on your feet and shins and get pets.

That is the worst cat/genetics-related pun I’ve ever heard.

Just saw one of these today and thought that it probably was a pretty good solution!

There’s a person/several people on my new campus that sell ice cream and popsicles. It’s a totally new experience for me! Both that they’re on campus and that they exist at all, because I grew up mostly in a place where there were no ice cream salespeople.

Samantha was always my fave! I’m happy that she’s back.

Are you me? Because this is my life right now.

Summer is the worst.... depending on where you are.At home in the PNW, it’s great! I love summer. Here in the vast, desolate expanses of the midwest, it’s hell. Autumn can’t get here soon enough.

Doesn’t look like Luka’s default outfit, but I could be wrong.

I’ve only read a tiny bit of Saga but now I want to read more because I just fell in love with this cat.

If they’re wonderful and brilliant, you’d think they’d know that not every single human shares the same viewpoints. I’d worry more about the gun.

Sort of yes and no. My current general Gmail address is an evolved form of the one that I first made in middle or high school or whenever. It’s slightly embarrassing, but it’s easily memorable and has no numbers and I can’t be fucked to try to make another one.