Friendly neighborhood_Dude

How come? I think Keighley sees the awards as a celebration of the video game industry. He’s not trying to be a journalist - he’s trying to put on a show that pumps up and hypes video games. It’s not like he’s trying to hide that - he says himself that he’s giving developers feedback on their marketing and helping

And just to add, the nintendo store is closer to 5th ave. Thats 6th and you can see it going around the corner.

Hell this was the end of the line at the NYC nintendo store last night at around 6pm. Meanwhile Im on my way right now to pick it up.

The only problem you’re having with perceiving it is that you’re likely looking at it with two eyes, and are not, in fact, the Lord of the Night. ;)

Hmm... seems, familiar somehow?

I had no idea Team Cherry was that small.

No one was smart enought to realize that this is a crossover just waiting to happen.

Bottom right picture looks like the inspiration for Minecraft.. lol

They were booed long before that. They did that because they were booed. It was their show of defiance to the crowd that had disrespected them for hours at that point. Stop acting like the boos only started after that stunt.

The disrespect these two showed was disgraceful,

Here’s the set, judge for yourselves. The Homey Stock happens at 12:48-ish.

I think you’re looking far to into something that isn’t there. The crowd were being idiots, they got a little payback, yes it sucks for the people watching at home but I don’t blame the competitors at all. 

Death threats. To a 16 year old. For a bloody video game. Are you fucking kidding me?

Not exactly something I expected to read today, but interesting an ingame way to enable it exists.

Awesome. Prey was very underrated. One of my favorites from 2017.

Fantastic Video! Hope to see more about the minutiae of high level competitive e-sporting.

Why Sony never dropped the need for those goddamn stupid proprietary memory cards for regular ass sd or micro sd cards in one of the hardware revisions is beyond comprehension. Had they made that single change, I’m fairly certain the Vita could have actually been as successful as it should have been.

Im surprised by these comments. This technology is clearly being developed to get closer to the reality of AI not needing human input to give a kill order. I respect these peoples resignations and I’m glad its created awareness around the project, I wouldn’t have heard about it otherwise.