There was an Xbox for 160€ and I needed a controller and an 4k HDR bluray player Soooooo.. I got an S. PLEASE DON’T JUDGE ME!!
There was an Xbox for 160€ and I needed a controller and an 4k HDR bluray player Soooooo.. I got an S. PLEASE DON’T JUDGE ME!!
I’ve been working with Cecilia on this story since Thursday, when I warned her that things would likely blow up over the weekend and that she might have to work Saturday and Sunday. Which she of course agreed to do immediately, because she is a trooper. Her hard work is the reason that this story is more thorough than…
...Unless you’re an actual ninja hiding amongst a room full of people dressed like stereotypical ninjas...
On October 22, there will be an examination for certification in the Koga-ryu school of ninjutsu. I am not making…
By the Kamo River. Kyoto, Japan. By Tara Bennett.
On Friday Atlus Japan teased a side-scrolling 2D Castlevania-style game starring Jack Frost and Jack O’Lantern of Shin Megami Tensei fame. Called Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue, it’s a real game PC gamers can download and play for free right now. It’s lovely.
Right Before Kushima. Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. By Stefan Mildner.
JRPG manuals, 1989 vs. 2017. (Left: Wanderers From Ys for PC-88; right: I Am Setsuna, for Switch.)
Competing at the highest level isn’t just about talent, but consistency. Hajime Taniguchi, or “Tokido,” exemplified…
Between PvP not using power levels and PvE scaling everything up with you when your power level is higher than the minimum, I don’t know what the point of your power level is in Destiny 2 aside from a need to grind before you can do late game stuff.
Got an amazing clip from the new Battlefront II beta? A FIFA 17 glitch we gotta see? What about a Forza 7 crash? Send it to our show Highlight Reel! Just email the clip and a description to and we may feature it on the next episode!
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite’s reputation has taken a hit in its second week of competition. Blame an inescapable…
BIGO is an artist from Brazil working in both video games and books.
Atlus isn’t trying to shutdown the emulator itself, but the patreon page run by them. Emulators sure as shit aren’t inherently illegal, and the vast majority of companies tend to avoid going after the emulators themselves. The problem is that the people in this project used Persona 5 footage and photos/videos in the…
My point still stands. Even if you’re not going to play that copy on your Sony device, you can at least support the team that made it. Buy a damn copy.
To all those commenting some context: The people who were working on this were raising money through a Patreon account. The Patreon account made explicate reference to this being a workable Persona emulator. In short they were using Atlus’ IP to raise money, that’s illegal.
Y’all. I know what it’s like to be a gamer and brokedy broke, but if you’ve got a PC capable of running that emulator, you can afford to buy a copy of the game (NEW, so devs and localizers get their cut).
I’ll download a copy on Steam and see what’s up.
Released today for the PlayStation 4 and PC, Blue Reflection is an exploration of the relationships young women…
Five years ago, Gizmodo Media Group created a new team, independent of the Editorial and Advertising wings of our…