Friendly neighborhood_Dude

I'm just trying to get into my first Shin Megami Tensei, and man is it hard. I'm saving a lot, which helps, but I just past the training they have you do, and I'm still getting killed fairly often. I'm liking it, but I'm worried about the countless other games that just came out or are just about to come out, they

Add in all the Shin Megami games that the 3DS already has. Those (and Virtues Last Reward) are all taking over my Activity Log, haha.

It's crazy to see how many games are up to 45 hours or more after owning my 3DS for two years. :)

Sure, I'll give it a buy.

I was waiting for a Dark Souls post.

Kotaku has never been solely about games. Go to kotakucore if you want only gaming news.

Now playing

One of my favourites right here. It's one of those pieces of music, unlike say, One Winged Angel, that can only be truly appreciated when you're actually in the battle. Listen to something like One Winged Angel at any time and it's so ridiculous as to be entertaining, but the final battle theme from Persona 4,

Now playing

The battle version of "I'll face myself" is one of my favorite tracks of all time.

and suddenly i understand the need for a WiiU sized bag and those hard gamepad cases.

Pikmin 3 , in an airport..

Huge respect points there Stephen. HUGE.

I was kinda hoping for 7 "Yes/No" boxes.


Damn and I was hoping we would somehow get the Luigi 3DS Xl that i believe recently released in Japan for the new Mario & Luigi game.

Sorry, but nothing beats the original Red 3DS.

Not even the limited edition Zelda one.

you could make this guys day by bringing around a Vita with some fighting games loaded on it.