Friendly neighborhood_Dude

I personally prefer gurren lagann but damn that cosplay is good.

But where can I vote...... Never mind I found it.

I don't know why but isn't that Mitsuru SCREAMING!!?

Isn't 1200 bucks way to much?? I think 100 or 300 tops would suffice for a figure. I mean look what 80 bucks can get you.
Yeah I know it's not highly posable or anything, but you get something cool to display.

Well.... don't believe in your self. Believe in the anime which Believes in you.

Flying all the way to the other island on a car.... This is sheer epicness!

The only two finished games for my Vita are P3P and P4G. Man these were the times.

It doesn't matter if it's a PS2 or a PSV game. Persona 4 is timeless.

Really?? that album is so damn rare :( I think your wallet is in for a beating.

Well Mohawk guy was dead serious and he was trying to protect her. So no bad thoughts.

The Youtuber? never heard of him :p .

Now playing

I love the music when they fight against each other.

Dragon's crown is like a secret treasure in a world where they sell the same game over and over again every year and they still win billions....

Especially when watch it on the living room LED like me :p .

It was the definition of insanity.

children's cartoons you say?