
Listen, if they wanted to know specifics about how things were run the person they should be talking to is the Specific Manager.

He deals with the goddamn press so the owners don’t have to!

This fight was barely even long enough to masturbate to. 4/10.

The Nebraska home crowd did not like that.

What a Newby.

I’m glad they’re cracking down on hits to the dick instead of dicking down on hits to the crack

Blaming Capitalism, for starters, when it very clearly states that the school was only profitable because of the government.

You’re a fucking idiot.

Except in a libertarian environment this would have never happened because ITT Tech wouldn’t have been able to have their students pay for their tuition with government loans. If college loans were completely privatized no reasonable bank would give a loan for a worthless institution like this because they would be

Actually under libertarianism this situation would never arise - the state would never pay for education.

What happened here was fraud. Libertarianism has nothing to do with it. If you produce a substandard product and charge an exorbitant rate for it, and you spend your efforts trying to obscure both those facts, it is just as frowned upon by Libertarians as it is by anyone else.