Hollywood takes everything elegant, evocative, and figurative, and turns it into banal realism. File this under "Smurfs" and move on.
Hollywood takes everything elegant, evocative, and figurative, and turns it into banal realism. File this under "Smurfs" and move on.
Mmyeah, good luck with that. Janette Sadik-Khan is kicking ass all over the place in NYC in promoting walkable, cycle-friendly streets. Maybe move to Florida or Arizona? They hate everything there.
Sheesh, where the hell do you live? That's some outright hostility.
LOL pedal pedal bwa-bwaaaamp-bwaaa
Nice effort. But I'm still holding out for the TiGr. [www.kickstarter.com]
Nothing says summer like the sound of geta clopping down a quiet narrow street. Kako-ii :)
Seriously. I have 2 sodas a year, maybe.
Wow, this is just gorgeous. This, plus Flower, or Limbo, make it a good time to be a gamer. ^_^
Now you're talkin.
Hear hear. At the very least indeed!
Giz! What the fuck's up with all these snuff posts? First a building demo gone wrong and now this?
Awesome enough to bring a tear to Tim & Eric's eye. Eyes.
It's fine. It does the trick. Still think they could use a nice condensed font, though.
Soooo...now we're watching snuff films? Ai ai ai.
Bitch stole my look!
/slow clap
Can't speak for the rest of the world, but in LA cycling can be nerve-wracking for non-fanatics and public transit is really limited (i.e. bad). Until the infrastructure improves, something like this might be worth thinking about. Anything to increase the diversity on LA's roads, where it's either cars, trucks,…
Isn't this one of the later battle arenas from Spectre?
More proof that a margins game is almost always a race to the bottom.
I dunno, this sort of thing would be perfectly logical for a short daily commute that doesn't go highway speed (and there are plenty of people with these kinds of commutes). Although I'd add in some suspension. ^_^