
Actually agree with her. And she is crazy. Normally. But this makes sense. We are not going forward.

How is blackwashing good?

I kid, I kid.... a little. The show was never good. But still fun.

Aw, the little guy wants some attention. Wonder who he is parroting.

Just getting some ad revenue before they have to close. Go some where else. Some place that deserves your time.

Literally retarded.

And just quit. Don’t rape the corpse of the site like this. Used to be fun and good. Now you’re just raping the walking dead. Stop.

We shouldn’t want it.

14 hours here, not finding all the diglets or upgrading the dojo or doing all the battles or catching half of them

Not going to install Uplay. And I like Freedom Cry better.

So the earlier part 4 that is called, 4, doesn’t count?

What is this doing here?

Are you serious?

And did you have a stroke or two?

Didn’t even make that connection.

Niggas nevah gonna be happy

Is this a joke?

I know the failed colony has 99% migrants, bit more even, but that is no reason to go full fascist on the rest of the world.

Nothing there really. Might as well keep PS4 and Switch for now.

A Spider-man game without Spider-man. Not interested. As a fan I don’t care. Loved the last game. The only really good Spider-man game.

Just a lot of hard work and custom designs

Everyomne that can think, knows this is bs right?

Jesus Horatio Christ that is quite the stretch

Why is he creepy? Comes over as a stoner, but creepy?

So basically write about anything that is currently popular. Doesn’t sound like a tech blog to me.