
No, what's new is that those "trolls" are now organized propaganda machines that are incredibly effective in shaping the world.

So you just replaced "Jewish degeneracy" with "PC culture" in your stupid conspiracy theory.

And also like the country, the "racists, homophobes, and misogynists," have institutional advantages that allow them to win despite lacking a majority. Like reddit will ban you in a half-second for violent rhetoric from a leftist but will allow alt-righters to holler about helicopter rides (a Pinochet reference to

…because those came before South Park?

"Real liberals would never object to bigotry!"

Well we learned that he's entirely owned by Russian mobster-oligarchs.

"On one hand we have a political ideology dedicated to creating more suffering in the world because some people are just worthless and deserve to suffer, like those lazy losers working 40 hours at minimum wage. On the other hand, the people who oppose this can be annoying. Can't we just admit that both these sides

NOBODY can argue with someone who doesn't care about truth or honesty, and only a damn fool thinks they can. In a context where "look at this cuck snowflake" is just as good if not a better retort than a bunch of boring stuffy facts (which are just FAKE NEWS anyway) rational debate doesn't exist except as a weakness.

Meanwhile blaming SJWs for Trump is totally different and legit.

Yeah, it's that soda tax that's impoverishing people. Yup. That's a totally reasonable position to take. Also if minimum wage jobs pay enough for an employee to make rent rather than living in a car the whole economy will collapse, because apparently someone being able to work 40 hours and still live in a car is in

You DO understand that someone is going to have those jobs, right? McDonald's is one of the world's biggest employers! How the hell can you so confidently declare that everyone who has one of those jobs deserves to suffer for being lazy?

Not everyone is gonna be a winner in a capitalist system. We can either recognize that there just aren't as many well paying jobs as there are people and try to alleviate the problems faced by those who, for whatever reasons, aren't making 6 figures.

Isn't it weird how McDonald's itself advertises its jobs as "careers?". Almost like you're making shit up. Then again whoever wrote that works for McDonald's and is therefore a worthless loser who deserves a slow starving death for being lazy, right?

And right here is the perfect demonstration of how callow and sociopathic the right wing is. People who want to get paid enough to eat are lazy. In your mind somebody literally working full time is just a lazy loser who deserves to starve.

Wowie, that borked link which supposedly should lead to the intelligent comment you made, but does not, certainly fills me with confidence that you're not a complete fucking moron.

So Donald Jr. straight up saying that he met with Russians for the purpose of undermining the election in Trump's favor is not evidence of that exact thing.

No evidence other than Donny Jr.'s own words. And the fact that pretty much everyone in Trump's administration met with Russians and then lied that they didn't. And the- you know what? Trump could fucking tweet that he traded Fort Knox to the Russians in exchange for hacking the 2020 election in his favor and you'd

Sure. Trump's habit of sucking Putin's little Vlad is just to be expected from someone as agreeable and kind-hearted as our Prez strives to be.

I have a pretty decent idea of what mental issues I have. Failing to take trolls like you seriously is evidence of my mental health, however.

No, I have seen the light! I am totally mentally ill because some shitty troll told me so. Who knew psychiatry was so simple?