Cassidy by two years… though of course this is a new Cassidy with apparently different rules, so Wheden still wins. Like always.
Cassidy by two years… though of course this is a new Cassidy with apparently different rules, so Wheden still wins. Like always.
You made me think of Radiohead, which is appreciated when Smash Mouth is the topic.
David Bowie's Changes is the best "greatest hits" album of all time, even if it's not called "Greatest Hits."
My thought was that severe injuries can only heal with human blood. Which is, yes, different from the comic, but that would be an alright change.
But watching Genesis was the angels' job. Once heaven saw that they were gone they must have at least checked up on Genesis and seen that his, uh, can was gone too.
My takeaway from the repeated bits was "At least it wasn't Endless Eight."
I agree that Emily is probably not going to be killed, but unless the show stayed rooted in Annville (please no) or her kids are killed off, there's no way she'll be part of the story once it hits the road.
More like "Sean Bean is too big a name to NOT off."
I got the sense that she'd decided Jesse was too much of a lunatic to pine after and had resigned herself to being with Miles during the church siege.
I'm starting to think that we're still missing a lot of The Cowboy's story. (Doesn't quite feel right to call him the Saint of Killers yet.) That tavern massacre doesn't really make sense: he never needs to reload and every shot he makes is instantly fatal. This makes perfect sense if he's the Saint, but not so…
If this was the comic, he'd be permanently dead. Since it's not, and since the rules of how angels work are already a lot different, I suspect he'll be back.
SMALL COMIC SPOILERS: Miles is just dead if vampire rules work the same in the show as they do in the comic. Cassidy only survived to become a vampire himself because the vampire who bit him was interrupted before she could finish draining him. It's made clear in another story that a vampire feeding on a person…
Jesse loses a bar brawl in the very first issue.
Say the name!
I've been hearing people whine about how awful the movie is for like six months now.
Yeah, because there wouldn't actually be any misandry from the people shitting on it, as opposed to many of those shitting on this Ghostbusters movie who aren't even trying to hide their misogyny.
Does pointing and laughing at the people in a frenzy over this movie count as "championing" it?
AFAIK downvotes are entirely vestigial on Disqus. They're not recorded and they don't do anything besides add a little red mark to your personally cached copy of the page.
I just had to click here to let you know how mad I am about this clickbait click click click click click click this is your fault I'm doing this click click click click…
I suppose the other hundred thousand comments and reviews expressing pretty much the same thing over the last several months were also all false-flags.