Jack Frink

I’m glad it’s not on the list, but somewhat surprised it wasn’t now that you mention it.

Minority opinion, but I genuinely enjoyed Boyhood as a film

Oh, no, sorry, you’re mistaken about that -- as you can see, it placed at number 13 for the decade. I understand the confusion.

You can fairly argue anything, given that appreciation of movies is a matter of personal, subject taste.

I still love it! 

Winter Soldier definitely deserves a spot on this list

Is he and does he? Based on all coverage, he’s really more of a “fuck the haters, I’m right” kind of monster who doesn’t care how he’s perceived, but will still be belligerent for its own sake.

I don’t like Moldea. He’s coarse, and rough, and irritating, and he gets everywhere.

Uh, I’m right here, next to you, still. 

“Elton Job”.

The part where he said ‘SJW’ and then followed it up with how comedians ‘safe spaces’ were, I dunno, comedy clubs where they could act like assholes was really something.

Carolla ranted and didn’t prepare any real jokes”

(Corolla’s basically a libertarian atheist)

Aw, man. I was just thinking that I should rewatch Jackie Brown. Forster was perfect as Max Cherry. 

The Abbey Road 50th anniversary remix is fantastic.

Hepburn’s character in Bringing Up Baby is the ur-Manic Pixie Dream Girl, though at least Cary Grant spends 95% of the movie completely annoyed and exasperated with her.

I thought that Tracy’s father had not committed adultery. He maintained his innocence, Tracy bullied her mother into ejecting him, and Tracy’s mom had talked with him and accepted him back (and later told Tracy to butt out of her and the father’s relationship). I thought the idea was that Tracy had harshly concluded

I have the impression that Dexter gradually realizes he still loves her, in part because he realizes he doesn’t want to see her marry a puritan stiff, and in part because he realizes he’s jealous of Mike. I don’t think he’s sure that he wants her back until the last season.

I don’t really think Interstellar thought it was all that deep; none of Nolan’s movies do. It’s the audiences who mistake his aesthetics for deep ideas and then get mad when the ideas they projected aren’t realized on screen. He just likes layered editing and big imax panoramas of space, the ocean, and shit. Like,

Interstellar is Christopher Nolan’s best film, and one of the 10 best sci-fi movies ever made.