Jack Frink

No one. Clearly his daughter borrowed his phone.

Username/comment synergy off the charts.

What the fuck are you talking about? Not only did Stone never work for the Clintons, he actually ran Bob Dole’s presidential campaign for a while in 1996. You know, against Bill Clinton.

Though the Joker at least got his hands dirty and loved a good challenge. Stone is a coward who freaks out whenever he feels the least bit threatened

Kellyanne Conway dressed up as a Revolutionary clown, Seb Gorka wore his dad’s old Nazi uniform (and medals), and Roger Stone wore his best Gilded Age tycoon cosplay. Trump gave a Bannon-written speech that plagiarized from a Batman villain. We aren’t dealing with mental giants here.

who that age says “boi”

I agree, but also think of how different it would all be if we were saying “What a time to be alive” for POSITIVE reasons.

Clinton isn’t ru(i)nning the country

And man, wouldn’t this just sting if it mattered. But it doesn’t so no one gives a $hit.

d) is ultra-fucked up because she was raised by grinning bigot shitbag Mike Huckabee and his dead-eyed wife

[in best Yzma voice]

“What If Someone Was Willfully Obtuse About This Film’s Plot, The Writer’s Intention, And The Process Of Filmmaking Altogether?”

RIP. When your nickname is “Fats” and you make it to 89, you’ve done pretty well.

some mens taste includes both snails... and oysters.

Not only do I think that Full Metal Jacket is one of his best films but I actively love the second act as much or more than the first.

Actually I think the length of Barry Lyndon is part of the point — not only is Kubrick showing you the era on the screen, he is telling it in the drawn-out style of the time, when novels were often published in three volumes because people didn’t just want 300 pages, they wanted like a thousand.

Nothing worse than art that is a sly joke at the expense of its audience.

It was two things.

Just the shooting of the flick took a year and a half. (Then came a year of post-production.) People like to give Tom Cruise shit for how he’s handled his career, but sticking it out for so long working with obsessively perfectionist Kubrick as long as he did, Cruise gets my respect.

I can very concisely sum up Eyes Wide Shut: there’s a passage in the Talmud that rabbis only allow you to read after you’ve been married for twenty years. It’s not that you can’t physically read it, it’s just that it wouldn’t make sense to you, like a page was missing. “Eyes Wide Shut” is all about the suffering and