Jack Frink

I’m sorry, Nothing But Trouble is one of the worst movies ever made.

Clark pays for Christmas for Cousin Eddie and allows a small army of people to stay at his house.

He was just starting to play drums for Steely Dan!

Is Mike Meyers regarded as a jerk? I didn’t know that.

Clark Griswold is a good, honest man who works hard (too hard) to give his family great holiday/vacation experiences. He’s a nut, and can be pushed to anger, but at the end he’s a decent and nice person. Remember him giving Cousin Eddie’s kids a Christmas?

He has a good cameo in Dirty Work.

Wow, Christmas Vacation mean-spirited? It’s the most heartfelt of the series, IMO.

...and that comment destroys your credibility!

LOL “failed.”

Meanwhile, Olivia Munn is on an express train to the B-list, if not out of the business altogether.”

“These guys are fiends (and should all be investigated)“

You are a good Shane Black expert! I would like to see your bibliography, though.

Those facts don’t matter when you want everyone to be a villain!

Because you want to have doubts.

You’re all desperate to find additional villains in this story. In doing so, you’re coming off far worse than Brown does.

Louis CK hasn’t “done it.” Doing one surprise set at a stand-up club does not constitute a comeback. There is currently no more demand for CK’s presence or work than there was a month ago.

Spacey is done.

Yikes you really want to be mad at Sterling K. Brown.

I think you’re reading way too much negativity into a supporting statement. Brown is not the bad guy here.

I would not take that bet. Argento is done.