Jack Frink

Bill Maher’s entitled, obtuse views on gender and race are clearly the worst thing about him.

His statement also makes clear he’d be appalled by this story if he had heard it “before he was famous” - as in, before he was a parent.

“In a seemingly unnecessary justification,...”

So you’re just assuming he knew about Weinstein assaults and actively ignored/covered it up?

No one excused him for that. He apologized because of the uproar.

Or something else that would end the conversation on a less hostile note. This seems to be where the :30 time frame comes in.

Jeez you’re just bent on finding something to be mad at him about.

“...he wouldn’t “abide this kind of behavior” even before he became famous.”

The “people I know” stuff is anecdotal and doesn’t help your case.

LOL how am I only now reading your account name?

Nice analysis. I think Luke clearly taps into the Dark Side to defeat Vader, but obviously pulls back - the meaningful look he gives to his robotic hand after winning the fight is key in him gaining control. In my view his entire mission in the movie is based on love for his father, though. His approach to the

Yeah, but only one in my comparison actually merits anger.

“Bobby Peru, like the country.”

Tarantino isn’t a studio executive.

I think we’ve been praising PTA for Punch-Drunk Love.

Just rewatched Wild at Heart and he’s awesome in that.

Seems like all the people mad at Meryl Streep could be refocusing their ire in this direction.

Probably make more angry, credibility-damaging posts?

Your anger at actors, clearly not knee-jerk at all, is both noticed and very important.

I find that a dubious proposition.