
Hot Fuzz is a masterpiece and this makes me want to watch it for the millionth time. 

To be honest Graham’s best night of the year is Eurovision, where he’s clearly had a drink to prep himself and just says whatever he wants.

Graham Norton is the BEST. I would trade out any of the late night hosts in the U.S. for The Graham Norton Show in a heartbeat.

Remember when Paltrow was a respected actress and not the televangelist equivalent of pseudoscience home therapy.

That green skirt must have been too short though- she kept having to pull it down throughout the song. I personally think the Eartha Kitt version should be the only one played on the radio- she’s the only person who made it sound like the joke it was. It literally contains the lines “the deed to a platinum mine” and

I love the guy, every time I see his picture posted on a story on one of the Giz sites, I invariably think to myself “Goddamn I’m aging well.” It’s a hollow high, sure, but you have to take your victories where you find them.

Supporting Israel is supporting terrorism. Their targets are civilians, ergo...

Girl, pop a vitamin D with your coffee in the morning, and put some sunblock on your face errryday. Otherwise those acids you’re using are just aging you faster.

Missing Cardi B. 

Oh my god. The person who rips my book would have his balls fed to him through his nostrils. BOOKS ARE FRIENDS. RESPECT BOOKS, DAMMIT. Even my six and three year olds learned this lesson early.

Ah, what? Most of the USPS is going to get a paid holiday? I’m also mourning President Bush, whom I actually met, but I don’t think that this is a good reason to waste the taxpayers money. And I think Bush would agree.

PB and soy sauce

People are messy. 

To the other commenters, where did they act like they cured inequality? They proved a point and people, like local news, took notice. That’s like step #1 of deconstructing white supremacy - using your privilege to not only acknowledge it exists but also right the wrongs it produced.

I see this divergence around what’s

You obviously weren’t raised in a Big 10 household - the University of Michigan mascot is generally spoken of quite often either with pride or disgust, depending on your parent’s rooting interests.

I feel like a stick of butter for 3lbs of potatoes might not actually be enough butter.

Plus, the joke was clearly self-deprecating. I’ve been saying it from the start that they’re both unstable and immature but Pete seems like the nicer one here, Ariana gives me mean girl vibes. Pete made some tasteless jokes but I guess it’s lost on people that joking about something isn’t the same as doing something. 

Yeah, I’m Team Pete on this one. He was doing a promo for Saturday Night Live, for fuck’s sake, which is a COMEDY SKETCH SHOW. Ariana Grande’s response was stupidly immature. Quite frankly, I give massive side-eye to anyone who airs their personal issues on a public forum, whether or not they’re a celebrity. The whole

“And Scary Spice was Posh Spice.”