
Way to go Western New York!

I want to go to there. Not that I'm a parent or need anything other than normal female "vag-maintenance". I just want to hang out with all of these people, and bake cookies for them. I want to be this clinic's Kramer.
A bit hyperbolic, but I'm puppy-like in my gratitude for the fact that a place like this exists.

This sounds amazing!

Jolie Kerr, you truly do God's work. Bless you.

I just think it took them having their own child to realize how scary it can be to be with your baby while you're being chased down by photogs.

But that's exactly what they want. They consider it a serious matter.

I've noticed a dramatic uptick in the number of kid photos in celebrity magazines in maybe the last 10 years. I feel like the whole front section of US and Star is now just photos of celebs with their babies. Has anyone else noticed a shift?

i think Jezebel should agree to not publishing any more celebrity kid photos too. or blur the faces when reporting on other media's publishing of said photos.

Bell and Shepard want a paradigm shift, and rightly so.

Worst case, you die, but give others a chance to escape.

Now playing

Let's not put down women who straighten their hair, okay? That can be just as problematic as criticizing women who wear their hair natural.

You guys, I can't explain it, but I have such a thing for The Rock. Always have, always will. I think it's partially because he's so well groomed, but honestly, I have no real reasons. That man!

Ooooh...pancakes! That's what he was cooking!

This is exactly what I think and I've actually tried to explain this to many people and they just don't seem to get it.

That's a bingo

I think the main reason time feels like it moves more quickly is relativity. When someone is 10 years old, a year is 10% of their entire life (and probably closer to 20% of what they can actually remember). When you're 50, 1 year accounts for 2% of your life. That's the reason that summer nights feel endless when

Oh please let Ted be the one to die.

Am I the only one who thinks literally everyone they know is hotter now (early 30s) than they were in their 20s? I certainly am. By miles. You couldn't pay me to go back to the awkward desperation of my 20s.

I don't see how it isn't a medical issue for the mother. Stopping breast feeding cold turkey puts the mother at risk for clogged milk ducts which can rapidly become mastitis, a pretty debilitating infection of the milk ducts. Imagine the worst flu you ever had, plus excruciating pain in your breast.

Or Johnny Weir.