
Gifts are optional, always. Required items are fees or taxes or penalties. Nobody EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER ‘owes’ anyone else a gift. Bitch Bride can just shut the fuck up.

You look great in all six looks, honestly, before and after makeover. It’s always easier when you start with gorgeous. What I want to say, though, is


If you don’t tell us where this source is, how will we give them ALL THE MONEY and keep them happy and in business and thriving??!!!

OK, hypothetical hetero sex wherein the male partner orgasms and the female has not.

Well, there was the time we were going to replace a window in our 106 yr old home. We were going to replace the ancient sash window with double glazing to stop the arctic winter draft on our heads - what a great project! We bought the correct size window, moved the surrounding furniture, removed the window sill, began

Frances Langford was Don Ameche’s shrew of a wife on radio’s The Bickersons, too.

SPrInGs1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! has a brother??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HELL YES. If the debt was in any major part due to financial foolishness, that’s a huge red flag. I’d want to see at least good evidence of working his or her way out of debt and better financial management. Part of the values I NEED to share with a potential partner is a shared approach to money and money management.

Mariah and Katy: Obi Wan and vapor farming Luke. Great potential, but far from a matter.

I have no problem whatever with children in restaurants. I don’t even mind if they don’t display perfect manners and decorum. They are children. Their brains literally aren’t grown yet, and they simply don’t have the processing power, self control, or experience to be perfect. I have HUGE GIANT ISSUES with parents

Nothing. He had a ton of exes, I did too. Who the hell cares. Every night he sleeps in my bed, and every day we choose to stay together another day. Fuck exes, they aren’t relevant.

Aahahahahaha. Dogs, man. Mine gave me a black eye when her hard head bonked into mine at the wrong time. Apparently ‘the dog did it’ is seen as an excuse like ‘I walked into a door’.

OH MY GOD Kate was the whiniest whiner that ever whined the WHOLE EPISODE. I kept waiting for Bear to just leave her with the camera crew because he couldn’t deal. Shut. Up. for two seconds.

Agreed, without reservation. <3

Nnnnnooooo, not for a great many of us. A great many women choose not to have children, or children at that time, and, when birth control fails, we abort. If anything, it is a decision of *second* resort, right after birth control that is effective. Having and raising a child is the last resort for us. I won’t speak

That was what the Marine Corps was like in the early nineties. I won almost every time.

Huh. I got the opposite from the article. Judy found out she was Young’s biological daughter, not adopted, and went years without knowing who her father was. Then, when she did, he continued to ignore her. That fucked her up, as one might reasonably expect. That’s the take-away I got - the issues Judy and Loretta had

YMMV, but I slept with it in if I had the coitus at night, then took it out in the shower in the morning. Internal cleanup was just a clean, wet finger swished around, then let your body self clean just like normal. Diaphragm cleanup was hot water and mild soap, then air dry, dust with a touch of corn starch, and back

I believe Muslim men can marry women of other faiths, but not the other way around. Of course there are many Muslim sects, just like Buddhist or Christian sects, so YMMV.