
Great: Jaimie Alexander's acting.
Still OK: The premise. The hook in the end was predictable, yet that's what pilot episodes are for anyways.
Bad: Stapleton's acting. The guy doesn't even have chemistry with himself.
Horrible: Fast-paced directing and cheesy screenplay is fun. Slow-paced directing and intricate

In the "Previously on MoS" part they showed Libby complaining to Gini that they haven't had sex in a year, Bill awkwardly suggested that impotence should be their focus, he empathized with Lester and talked about curing stuff, the last two "sessions" at the hotel that we saw had no naked Bill implications… I guess

This episode was way better than Blackwater was. Then again, this episode still felt like it was missing something, or that it was out of place. I think the reason is that Blackwater came after a bunch of mini-battles, so we're in the right mood to watch it. Even though WotW is technically and directorially superior

When Jon was holding Ygritte in his arms, all I could think of was "Dude, you're a character in a GRRM story! Don't waste time like that! Someone is gonna chop your head off!" I couldn't enjoy that great dramatic moment due to that anxiety. After all ended, I was glad that he still had a head on his shoulders, but

AHS is the perfect show for the age of Twitter. Watching it is like reading your timeline, a lot of shit happening simultaneously so that it is cacophonous, but once you adapt to it, it becomes fun. You take part in it, your engagement gives you pleasure and it's a great pastime activity, yet you won't remember what

I disagree with the "promoting vigilantism" criticism for two reasons: