Just like a child right? Fruit never drops far from the tree. The tree is this case is the internet - the lowest common denominator we have enabled people to race to the bottom when it comes to behavior.
Just like a child right? Fruit never drops far from the tree. The tree is this case is the internet - the lowest common denominator we have enabled people to race to the bottom when it comes to behavior.
Why? they made a perfectly believable twitter user.
How was it not right? People bombarded a machine learning algorithm with a bunch of racist ideas, and the machine learned to be racist?
How utterly fitting. When the machines wipe us out, they will do so only because they learned from us.
Turkey is a NATO ally and a pretty damn important one
You really don’t believe that white supremacy is that endemic in our culture? The culture where Donald Trump is stomping around the country as the Republican frontrunner for the fucking Presidency of the United States doing his best impression of an even dumber, more full of shit Mussolini? Seriously?
Despite the fact that ISIS targets Muslims and kills far more people in countries that are predominately Muslim than they manage to kill Christian Westerners.
20 years ago they were Ancient Chinese Proverbs.
I respect your points made here and agree with the frequency argument. My problem is the ‘basic human condition’ part; this notion we care more because XYZPeople are closer to us culturally? Why is that ‘normal’? Why is that an allowance, or worse, an excuse to be more sympathetic to certain horrors than to others?
Sure but can anybody recommend good news sites that give more attention to what happens in Beirut and Istanbul? Because I would like to give my clicks to such sites. Al Jazeera jumps to mind. I’m sure there are more. Fuck CNN.
Innocent people in Belgium remind Americans of themselves more than innocent people in Turkey?
When studios are fairly confident they tend to release their films around certain times of the year, regardless of what else is in theater.
I try to have compassion for Mrs. Trump and Mrs. Cruz but quite frankly they’re both so unappealing that I really can’t work any up for them. Between Heidi’s ‘Ted is chosen by God’ crap to Melania’s perma-squint of fake adoration I just can’t. Fuck the lot of ‘em.
I agree, but I cannot let go of something Heidi Cruz said on the campaign trail in South Carolina: “We are at a cultural crossroads in our country, and if we can be in this race to show this country the face of the God that we serve — this Christian God that we serve is the foundation of our country, our country was…
Trump is only a xenophobe against brown skin immigrants and folks who call their god by a different name,and Asians. White Christian immigrants who are young and beautiful,he is cool with them.
Well when you marry for money to a known asshole who loves publicity you probably expect things like this to happen, or am I wrong and it was a match made in heaven?
“You can do whatever you want with an adult dressed as a child. It’s still creepy. And the fact that you’re a male feminist has absolutely nothing to do with your proclivities or anyone elses.”
I merely suggested that engaging in a schoolgirl fantasy, which as far as I understand could include a college girl-professor scenario, is not equivalent to pedophilia.
The steps backwards also seem very realistic and plausible so I have no problems with it, the general trend is still 100% upwards but like an actual Silicon Valley upstart it doesn't matter how far you've come or what you've done you can completely fail at any step.
I think that's being unduly harsh to American Beauty.