Yes and no. The descendants of the Ancient Egyptians still live on. But modern Egypt is an amalgam of many different ethnicities. History bears that out.
Yes and no. The descendants of the Ancient Egyptians still live on. But modern Egypt is an amalgam of many different ethnicities. History bears that out.
Reddish brown like many East Africans. Today, on average, Egyptians are lighter than there ancestors. Mixing with Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Turks and others will do that. But they are still the descendants of the ancient Egyptians. These boys have skin tones closer to Arabs. The AE portrayed their skin color as being…
You could have gotten actors who at least LOOKED Egyptian. No shortage of black, Caribbean, Latino and even Arab actors who could pass.
This is close to being equivocation. Sikhs are both an ethnicity and followers of a faith. Faith and ethnicity are not mutually exclusive. Many ethnicities are formed around a particular religion or faith which is intrinsically linked to their sense of cohesion. The Hebrews are the most famous example of this. Sikhism…
It’s very easy. We know how the ancient Egyptians looked. The idea that they were some mix of black/white/whatever is false. There were multicultural cities but Egypt as a whole was pretty homogenous.
NO! Ancient Egyptians were pretty much ONE race, the Egyptian race who were genetically, culturally and genetically related to other East Africans. it was about as much a melting pot as the US. Egypt was eventually conquered by others and the native culture subsumed by others but in terms of dynastic Egypt, it was not…
We aren’t talking about true believing worshippers here, we are talking about the HISTORY channel! I know that recently the history channel has a bit of a problem with facts and accuracy(Ahem, Ancient aliens) it still has a pretense to be portraying the truth, not how worshippers perceive him. They have a…
Have it both ways!? Haha! Dude, it’s been only ONE way for decades. Yes, I can say that it would be nice to see some white characters be played by non-whites without being a hypocrite because over 90% of roles are taken by whites! There is no comparison. Given how pro-white hollywood is, it would be getting closer to…
You’re simply deferring and not actually engaging with the claim. The fact that all these stories are set in regions where the people are clearly non-white but have cast whites as the leads is damning proof of how hollywood is very pro-white! Plus, you could have gotten ethnicities who at least approximated the…
That’s a very narrow minded point of view. Not everyone has the same values and principles as Americans. We might be coddled, over indulged consumers who would could easily be bought with some cheap electronic devices and porn but if it was that so easy for everyone else then we’d have world peace already.
Ummm, I dob’t see what’s so “dickish” about Eubanks?
Oh please, what is the whole point of sparring but to simulate an actual match? He went all in. If dude can’t handle it then he shouldn’t be the sparring partner.
Italians can’t criticize. They elected a crazy, bigoted media mogul for Prime Minister THREE times!
Why were they cheering for the “Friendzone” so hard when those two characters clearly had chemistry?
Another question just as pertinent: Would Disney let Finn and Rey be in a relationship?
It’s also a slur for Vietnamese.
Are you implying that he had no role in raising his first child? Why would someone be a d-bag for breaking up with mother of their child? Are we Puritans now?
Why does that make him a jerk? Are men obligated to stay in romantic relationships with they “babby momma’s”? Really?
Why do you spin it as he “left”? How do you the breakup wasn’t mutual or that she is “leaving” him? You put all the agency in the man’s hands.
No it isn’t. MJ identified as a black American man all his life. There is no quandary. His race/ethnicity was not defined by his skin color. That is how it is for most humans. Altering how he looked is not an indication that he was altering his race/ethnicity.