
It’s a corollary to the Streisand Effect. Basically the series was tons of free publicity. When was the last time you listened to an R. Kelly song in the last 5 years? My guess is you haven’t listened to a single one unless by accident and neither have most people. Suddenly, his name is everywhere, so his name pops

The Pittsburgh Riverhounds. A third tier soccer club with losses approaching a million bucks a year, multiple bankruptcies and ownership struggles... so... maybe she’s right?

The problem with US soccer is obvious and we’ve beaten it to death. In the US, soccer is largely for wealthy kids. The travel team system has essentially destroyed any chance for kids in the bottom 90% to play at a competitive level, period. Youth football in my town-starting in 2nd grade, 4 nights a week, 2 hour

Urban hunting is a valid management technique. It is typically highly regulated and bow only. How ours works is that hunters apply and pay a license fee. The city coordinates with landowners to provide hunting areas. Each hunter is assigned a particular location and time period they can be there. They have to pass

Average lifespan of a deer is 4.5 years. They sterilized 54 deer. Since those deer are in the population and unknowingly being mated with, I’m willing to say a sterilization is worth 3.5 killings (It’s not true, but I’ll concede it,) so we’re at 189 deer removed from the population. Last year’s Michigan harvest was

The relationship between refs and players in hockey is awesome and something I don’t think you see in other sports. It’s very cordial and since they are mostly Canadians, they are abnormally polite. They’ll get in conversations during the game and talk about the play. Google ‘mic’d nhl refs’ and it’s just amusing.

The actual Donald Trump proposals were: drum roll please——

Move Florida, Buffalo, Arizona and Columbus to Helsinki, Prague, Stockholm and either St. Petersburg or Berlin. Set up a European mini-division with any eye to moving four more teams if the initial moves are successful. 

I don’t think it’s sundowners or any other kind of dementia. I think it’s a life-time of being a spoiled rich kid. He’s never been trained in how to interact in social settings and has spent his life doing what he wants and having people excuse it because of his wealth. It never occurs to him to think about what he’s

Nothing good ever happens after midnight. Well known truism. If you’re an NFL player or just anyone, when 1130 rolls around, it’s time to start saying your good-byes. :)

They played last Thursday against the Falcons, the same as the Cowboys. So normal week.

I wouldn’t get too excited about being a Super Bowl contender, but they do have a real shot at the playoffs with only the Redskins and their incredibly weak schedule standing in the way. 10-6 for the Cowboys is not an unreasonable expectation at this point and they only play one team with a winning record from here on

I think there WERE only 3 penalties against the Saints until late in the 4th.
They ended up with 5 total for 48 and one of those was the Pass Interference to end the game. They received their third penalty with about 12 minutes left in the second quarter and their fourth penalty with 3 minutes left in the fourth. So,

I don’t know. I could see it working. Minor League baseball is able to scrape by. They just have to turn it into an event rather than just a game. If you’re in San Diego, what else are you doing in February? Why not take in a cheap game? I would guess though that their salaries probably need to go down.

Just doing

You’re setting up a strawman. Firstly, according to SSRS, roughly 80% of Americans think birth control is a fundamental part of women’s healthcare. One can presume that even more don’t find it objectionable. Since the pro-life, pro-choice split is roughly 50-50, even assuming that no pro-choice people are against

I’m not sure how that line of questioning stops anything. I think that it deflects from the core argument and might make them feel guilty for not doing more, but it certainly isn’t persuasive. If I were to say, “Killing Syrian civilians is wrong.” If Assad were to respond, “How many Syrians have you taken in? How many

That’s the point. If you take them at their word that they believe that abortion is murder (and I think that many of them do.) Then abortion is one of the greatest atrocities ever committed by mankind. It dwarfs every genocide in history and by orders of magnitude. In the US alone, it’s like having a Holocaust every

Dude, we’re Gen X - the slacker generation. The fact that it bothers you means that you’re doing it wrong. Apathy is our creed!

The idea that they have to ‘be the bigger people’ is not because they aren’t practicing cut throat politics, it has to do with their constituencies and how they have cultivated them. Republicans have been cultivating a ‘government is bad’ constituency for decades. That’s what they do. Every ‘bad’ government decision

He didn’t say they were NFL players. He said they were people. It’s his buddies down at the bar. Shoot Jon, I’d come play for you for league minimum. Do you have any need of a paunchy 40-year-old who hasn’t touched a football since middle school? I’ll take the League Minimum for a year or two to lose some games and