
I doubt that Clevelanders think that. They hate the ‘burgh. It might just be that she says Indians fans hate the Yankees. That’s probably true, but that’s because everyone hates the Yankees. Pre-93, the Indians used to really hate the Yankees because they were both AL East teams. They hated the BoSox too. There was

Yep. You know that it’s Oregon because according to the posts here their best defense that they are not the whitest is that there are Asian people that live in Portland. That might possibly be the whitest reason ever why they aren’t white. It’s not even I have a black friend.’ Its I live near Asians.’ Congratulation

Hell end up with more than 51. Manchin is a guaranteed vote for Kavanaugh. Like it’s mentioned, Kavanaugh is a done deal regardless and it gives him an opportunity to say he’s not in lockstep with the Dems and an independent voter. WV is likely solidly pro-Kavanaugh and voting against him in a meaningless vote isn’t a

I think you’re full of it. Your buddies might all use semi-automatics, but if you think you need them, you’re wrong. (The fact that you’re also confusing semi-automatic with modern is also a bit of a strange thing. There are plenty of recent bolt action rifles on the market that can clip the wings off a fly. It’s also

The dirty secret of gun ownership is that the majority of gun owners are not hunters and it’s not even close. Only about a third of gun owners say that hunting is a reason they own their firearms and if you look at the statistics of hunters, there are about 13 million hunters in the US and about 80 million gun owners.

Looking at it initially, I agreed with you, but the rulebook does say intentionally and he definitely was just trying to get out of the way. At that point, I think the rule would be the same as if he was ducking a pitch and left his bat up and the ball dinged off of it. Just a normal foul. I hate to admit it because I

Im not sure what’s not internally consistent about it. We have some beliefs that are largely non-negotiable. “I believe in God the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth and Jesus Christ his only son, our Lord. etc. etc.” Im not saying that an atheist can’t come to services, but you’d be a poor member if you

I was shooting more for What are the characteristics of the belief system within which people from such disparate ideologies can peacefully coexist. but yours works too, I suppose.

Nah, the US has those people, they just dont fit within the R or D sphere, so don’t go into politics. I would present someone like Jim Wallis or Tony Campolo as meeting your religiously right/politically left dichotomy. The thing is though, I’m not sure that Ahmadinejad is exactly what you’re saying above. I would

Pretty much. Full disclosure, I am United Methodist so I am biased. The official attitude of the church is that we don’t require our members to walk in lock-step with regard to non-theological positions, nor even most theological ones. We have social principles that tend to be socially progressive, but there is no

Just for clarification. Sessions is United Methodist - so not an Evangelical. United Methodists are a ‘big tent’ mainline denomination that is controlled bottom-up rather than top-down. As such, there are a wide variety of views within the church. Some are more conservative like Sessions or George W. Bush and some are

This is really why you need a separate head of state and head of government. After Andrew Johnson, we should have moved that way, but it’s spilt milk now.

Am I the only one that just didn’t find it funny? I didn’t find it offensive to nerds, but it just wasn’t good writing. I rarely watched an episode that I actually found amusing. I think it didn’t know what it wanted to be. This started in the same era as The Office and Parks and Rec and 30 Rock which were solid

Short shorts are just more body area that I have to cover with sunscreen to prevent me from shriveling up and dying in the sun like a vampire. Knee-ish is about right for me.

Although to be honest, the most important thing to remember about men’s fashion is that you shouldn’t worry about men’s fashion. Nobody cares

Cutch is an absolute gem of a human being. As a Bucs fan, I am not sure when I’ll ever forgive management for trading him. I don’t care if he’s 80 years old and using a walker, he was just a great guy who should have been able to leave when he wanted to leave. He’s one of the increasingly rare players that you can

I would wager that Kings Island also bans assault rifles on its roller coasters.

The US government though likely has no opinion on videos on roller coasters.

I think the sad part is not that it’s random, since randomness could just be thought of as his personality quirk. It’s that he really doesnt get it. Im sure that the flowing to the Pacific is because there is always allowed to be some water in the Sacramento Delta, rather than using it all. The trees comment is

Ray Lewis is a Charismatic (big C), black preacher. He gave a Charismatic, black preacher speech. Don’t really see the problem nor why you would expect anything different. To be honest, it was way more entertaining than the typical HoF speech, throw a choir behind it and a few more people in the Amen pew and it’s a

Lets see. 75 years ago was 1943. In 1943, the US army was still segregated. 2/3 of states still had anti-miscegenation laws. Jim Crow laws were still in full force. There had never been a federal conviction of a lyncher and lynching was still in force, though diminished from its 1920s heyday. I would say that there

No, there is no new activity at Mt. Rainier currently. The worry is that 1) it could happen fast. Mt. St. Helens gave about a week’s worth of warning and that was it. 2) lots and lots of people are in the way. One estimate I saw was that 80 thousand people are within a conservative predicted mudslide area. I don’t thin