nah bro. fall is da best. fuckin best apples ever, beautiful sunny skies and crisp air..gtfo wit dis shit.
nah bro. fall is da best. fuckin best apples ever, beautiful sunny skies and crisp air..gtfo wit dis shit.
The hell are you talking about? The picture from the home page is an animated .gif Outside of not visiting Kotaku i couldn’t have missed it.
I mean especially something like this... it is something I didn’t expect to be in the game at all. And it is such an easy thing to avoid spoiling int he way that Luke did. that is what makes me upset about things like this.
Ok... Please tell us more how your unfounded insults are accomplishing anything. Frankly they mean nothing to me.
Heres some honesty, they could have just as easily NOT used that as a featured image a week after the game came out. The gif could have been in the page redirect. Im asking them to do less than they are asking me and IM the customer. THIS is reality, it’s not like im saying “dont talk about MGS5”
Thanks for further invalidating any point you feel you have made.
Thanks, Thats all im trying to say.
I do to, christ can you people read my comment before replying to it?
You are not any more of an authority in setting spoiler standards than i am, nor does it have anything to do with intelligence. Your immediate attempt to dismiss it as being a fault instead of a request or recommendation is on you.
I agree this is very disappointing :(
You realize some of us go on a media blackout prior to release right?
I didnt say that, please read my comment. I simply said ‘i would have liked coming across it myself’ not that it ruined the game for me. Pleas do not interject your exaggerations onto comment.
Is a featured gif, i cant avoid it outside of visiting the site.
Its a front page gif, the only option i have would be to NOT visit the site. Instead of calling someone stupid and making yourself look like a fool, consider the relevant variables.
Its a front page gif, the only reason i commented was BECAUSE of that. Think before you post, cmon.
Not everyone has seen the promotional footage, and many of us avoid promotional footage precisely because of spoilers. The problem still stands.
Can we stop using spoilers as gifs? I mean yeah i imagine its just an arm upgrade but i would have loved coming across this in game. Not all of us can just sit and grind a game, at least give us a month to finish the game.
As a current QA Lead Tester... Amen to this entire god damn article.
Or maybe to hell with your butthurt, baby bullshit. I agree, it should work but giving this guy shit because he’s not losing his mind over it? Take a walk.
Would be hit by it.