Thank you for this, internet stranger.
Thank you for this, internet stranger.
banana bread
There isn’t ranked play on consoles either. And they’ve already communicated it will be out for PC in December. The emblem editor stuff is accurate, however. I play on PC, and aside from the odd disconnect, I’ve had minimal issues.
Thanks for taking the time to reply! Have a great day!
Shucks. Was hoping I’d get a second chance at the ones I f’d up.
When people say “Plus all the original Elusive targets”, does this mean they come back for one more shot at them, or are they back permanently to run as many times as you want? Kind of confused by that.
I take it this has already sold out?
Can you even cross this fuckn beef bus up?
If you are seriously that impressionable you have zero business writing reviews.
Ha! This is a relief. Thanks for confirming though!
How do you figure that? You have a source of some kind? I follow this game relatively closely and haven’t heard anything like that
Could you say “meta” more please?Not enough of it in the article.
Man, I really hope the continue putting out seasons of this game. I would be completely satisfied if they just kept adding new content and making subtle changes to the mechanics and abilities. I think this model is perfect for this game and I really hope they continue down this path.
This recent? I know I’ll prob get called out for being PC police of whatever, but shouldn’t there have been some disciplinary action taken for a comment such as this? It is disheartening to see a prominent figure in the FGC voicing such disturbing opinions.
I think this is fantastic new. This guys have been doing great things with 47. I will support them in their future endeavors.
That looks gross
I’m very much looking forward to this.
Oh man. Please, PLEASE don’t go away Hitman. I think i’d be happy with the current model for a very long time. It is one of my most played games along with Skyrim and Dragon Age. It has THAT kind of replayability to me, and it never really gets old as there are so many subtle things to learn and explore.