
I was going to make a cheesy pun, but stopped myself. However, I know someone is going to milk the jokes for all they're worth.

So, I was three and knew what the internet was... what's the problem here?

@Dj Orphic: Dang man, that's how its done.

@Bender Speaks Jive: Well, I don't have facebook or twitter, so it'd still be a triangle. I guess it varies case to case.

@pchagoya: That was my first thought.

@Aeno: It'd probably look pretty cool.

I use facebook lists religiously. Wouldn't be able to use facebook without 'em.

@StalePhish: I've also had this already implemented. I love the idea.

@Adam Pash: (just to be silly) I do not have a star given me by a hacked mod's account. I feel silly without one. I don't know if I deserve it, but can I get one?

@FrankN.Stein: Oh, so much win with the Prisoner reference.

Ya know, I think she has a stutter. Might just be me, but it definitely sounds like it.

@Jackalope: see my response to PeterLorre

@Batman: See my response to PeterLorre

@PeterLorre: I see. Well, I will have to check it out then, with what you, Batman, and Jackalope have all told me.

@PeterLorre: Half Life 2 has come up a couple times today and my friends say I should get it. Tell me, why should I get it exactly?

@Batman: Is that Star Wars Battlefront II? 'Cause while I enjoy 2, the original I prefer because of the different places you can fight.