
Hah, this would be an interesting toy to show people. I went to the MIC link with the thought that, "Oh this is going to be a piece of junk." However, I was surprised that it actually looks like it was solidly made. But looks aren't everything. I do wonder how long this thing would last under regular use.

95 was a total powerhouse back in the day.

What I liked about reading this article vs the Download Squad version is that when it came to specs, you didn't just run with the "most likely will have" phrase, but were more cautious, not really sure, but very hopeful about what could be inside.

Flowing like a river, yet hard as Iron Man...

Oh, I did so love Hover! so very much. Many hours of my childhood (you'd laugh at that comment if you knew my age) were spent playing that game.

Man, that one dude must think himself so macho

For some reason, I find this accessory saddening... A golden controller... :(

@retrac: if you do, you have to post a pic of it

Even if it doesn't work, it's still pretty hilarious

The way I see it, and sorry if I repeat something someone else has already said or if I offend someone here, but, as a guy, it's definitely more emotional to see a woman die than a guy. Simply put.

So the trick is to keep your Roomba from becoming self aware. Or all hell will break loose!

@Firgof: I've got a quick one: I know there are going to be power players (those who play multiply times a week, if not every day). However, I'm a casual gamer (work and school don't allow me much gaming time). Is this a game where a casual gamer could play on the weekends only or do you really need to put time into

I wish I had paid more attention to that earlier article. The keywords would/will simplify my life.

@geekening: It's really a lame attempt to be hip.