
Me before reading this article: “What do you mean, everyone knows what hentai is, get real.”

Me after reading the article: “Huh, so it turned out I didn’t know what hentai was.  Things just got real.”

Well *that* is one hell of a title for a news article.

I gotta disagree. Pretty sure the outrage here is on a man in his late twenties preying upon a teenaged child, lying about it until he couldn’t anymore, and then going “welp it was just a *stupid mistake.*” Fun fact, grooming a victim over several years isn’t something one accidentally does like stubbing a toe or

So let me get this straight. If I play this game, there’s no way to keep stream snipers or trolls from attacking their own team mates, no way to ensure players aren’t using racist or abusive language, and they are sheltered from fighting characters that upset them? Hard pass.

I chuckled a little louder at that “Alexa, tell me a better joke” than I should have.  That is such a “dad” thing to say.

Where can I purchase this game?  It seems right up my alley.

Shame Josh Moon won’t see prison time for his website’s role in propagating this abhorrent video on his website. SMDH.

Flag, report, and move on people.  Flag, report, and ignore.

“But is he problematic and toxic?”
Yes. The answer you are looking for here is “yes.”
And if a scantily “glad” woman makes the decision to stream in a public restroom, I’ll gladly throw her under the bus and demand charges as applicable and applaud her banishments as well.

The actor of the “character” made a decision to act in a way, and should be held responsible.  He could have easily made the decision that the “act” put other’s privacy at risk and simply not acted in a certain way.

You find it “harmless” that someone made the decision to record others using the bathrooms they expect a certain level of privacy in, including potentially a child?  I take it if someone were to barge in on your restroom at work or school you’d just be all “hey dude, like your show, hope you get lots of views?” 

What has to go on in your head to think “Man, you know what will get me likes, comments, and subscribes? Violating everyone’s privacy by filming them as I urinate. I’m gonna make it big baby!”

Wonder what sort of job he’ll have to get now that he can stream on the biggest streaming platform.  I can’t imagine he can

Overpriced collector’s pieces are part and parcel of Square-Enix.  Seriously, just ask your cowriter Luke Plunkett:

It’s been out over here for a while though. Sure, you needed a fan English patch if you didn’t read Japanese, but there’s no region locking on the game and it’s free to play.

Hopefully a western-friendly portal will help boost the number of players though.  Even when I played it last year it was hard to meet up with

It boggles my mind how someone like that can get out of the greys right out of the box and I’ve been on this platform 6 years and have to wait for my stuff to be approved.  So frustrating.

The fuck.  The ever loving fuck.

Don’t ever stop.

Why don’t you bother off and let people play what they want to play?

This is gonna fail worse than sriracha flavored toothpaste.  $150 for a cheap handheld with 12 built in games that, for most adopters, will only be revealed one a week?  An expensive novelty at best.  A mistake at worst.

Had a similar situation but in Ingress. Portal two blocks from my house that I would always poke and and sometimes overtake. I was a casual free to play agent which meant having the ability to take down 8 high level nodes was a luxury. But whenever I succeeded, it would quickly be rebuilt with the best combination of