
Imagine if they made a game based off of this movie trailer, it’d be a Fortnite killer for sure.

I’m so jaded by current events right now; you said Game of Thrones had a “Fullmetal Alchemist problem” and my first thought was “Oh god, which actor in THIS series has been accused of 15 years of inappropriate conduct with teenage fans and has latched on to the alt-right hate-wave to fund his campaign of petty

“public fuck up to get this staffer removed from the process”

I felt that way about Murkrow, and ultimately Honchkrow.  <3

Banned in the UK.

And to be frank, many of us viewers love LiA for it.

My paycheck goes into my Magical Bank Account.   It is magic because I say a few magic words and Poof!  All of it is gone, and a few of the bills are paid. 

I tried to get back into iRO a long long time ago.  Had a moderately high leveled Whitesmith, of all things.  . . . It got to the point where I was making so little progression over weeks, that could be lost in just a single death, that I had to stop and ask myself “is this what I want?”  Turns out no, it isn’t.  And

There was a Magic Tournament accused of harassing women, and a pro was removed from it?

Be still, my inner weaboo childhood.  This franchise takes me so, so far back.

It seems quite fitting to me that this whome situation would fit perfectly as a hook for a Lovecraftian misadventure.

I will be curious if either model are more portable in the outside real world than the current model is.  I guess we’ll see. 

My kids are going to want to see this.  They are going to have to wait until it is On Demand.

I need to see how I can get in on this lawsuit if at all possible, I had a Pyrex dish explode on me a few years back and while fortunately all I got out of it was a ruined shirt and a few cuts it was scary as fuck and has turned me away from using see-through pans in their entirety.

Sometimes, the only way you can move on and be your own person outside of your abuse is if you find the strength to forgive your abusers and move on. It isn’t about them, at the end of the day - it’s about you.

My mileage may vary from yours however.

So you want us to forsake a Youtuber... for a *Reddit community*? That seems like jumping from one minefield-laden battlefield to another.

To be fair, if Big Bang doesn’t come back from this scandal, I’d be fine with it - they had a good run, and this should be about the victims of sex crimes, not some overpaid kpop stars.

How much for the whole night?

Ending starts at 4:14, for people who are just curious enough to see the ending, but not curious enough to watch the fight proper.

If this game were on PC I would pick it up in a heartbeat, roguelike roots and all.