The first step towards cracking the hardware for built in emulation.
The first step towards cracking the hardware for built in emulation.
Those last two letters take me back to over 15 years ago, having a live-in girlfriend who wouldn’t work, wouldn’t cook, wouldn’t clean, rarely made love, seemed to have little time for me but had lots of time for her internet friends! Couldn’t stop drinking, couldn’t stop spending my money on anime rentals behind my…
Is there a reason we are just learning about this now, two weeks after the post is dated?
I’ve never cared much for Mr. Bieber, but you know what, I get it. Depression is hell. Take your time. Get all the help you can. Get yourself a real support group. It’s not really a thing you can ever conquer, but it is a thing you can come to terms with. Sounds like some steps in the right direction are being…
Pre-ordering this literally as soon as Gamestop will let me. Might even buy two. Don’t even care.
I guess I’m of the unpopular opinion that the cartoon desperately needed to do something different, and Sun and Moon made some artistic decisions that weren’t great, but it was for the better it was different.
I had $20 on a preorder I legitimately had forgotten about and after a month they e-mailed me a digital gift card. This was I want to say 2 years ago? So I’m not sure much has changed.
I am on Lifehacker. Why would I want to go to Facebook to read something, when I could read it on the website I am currently on?
Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
“I wasn’t looking for it.”
A likely story, Kate Gray. A likely story.
Thank you for this article. I thought I had done something horribly wrong. Bought this game for my son for Christmas, but waited until he was 13 to set up his Nintendo profile. Thought it was strange that the 6 Fighter expansion pack was easily registerable but no piranha plant to be seen. Looks like I “just” need…
Just because you *can* doesn’t mean you *should*, and dear God are these cards a grievous assault on the eyes. It’s like they took a couple of really nice, stylish games and completely butchered them down to their most basic of text, then threw what remained of those corpses together to make some sort of chimaera card…
Honest question:
I played Final Fantasy 11 almost religiously from late 2003 until my departure in 2011. No other MMO has ever made me feel that sense of community and sense of belonging. Vanadi’el was a hell of a world to explore, even as it was a tedious and punishing game to play. I met friends in that game that I would later meet…
Kudos to Kotaku for not linking the spreadsheet, a move I am sure just a few years ago they would have done with relish. Not that I don’t see the importance of such a document, but handled inappropriately such a collection easily becomes rife with the libel of hearsay and the vigilantism of individuals less interested…
For those of us unable to watch videos (especially at work) any way to get a synopsis of where it was found and why it was found there/how it got there?
One-point-eight million dollars between two people and three years is an extra $300,000 a person a year... and it took over two years for Bandai to notice this sort of discrepancy, or coworkers to notice these two had become significantly more affluent? I feel like there’s a lot more to this story we either aren’t…
My adolenscence made me a NISA fan, but holy hell if they haven’t butchered the last several localization of games like they had something to prove to Dario Cecchini. The PC port of Disgaea 5 that was titled “complete” yet, surprise had several key networking features cut... after the game was suddenly delayed and…
I gave this game what I would figure was an honest shake about two, almost three years ago but my exceptionally sporadic playstyle meant I was alone and lonely in an MMO. Workmates are encouraging me to resub and reroll on Matthias. My question is - what would be a reasonable time to expect a new player to be able…