
Don’t do that, that’s how you get diseases. :/

Autism, how does it work?
And I don’t want to talk to a scientest; those individuals be lyin’, and gettin’ me upset.

Time to create a fake study showing that autism can be prevented by getting vaccinations. The fight is real, so should the solutions.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that the individuals who are facing these threats without vaccinating their children are more concerned about the difficulties of having children who have

I’m confused why you claim his last name is not mentioned to protect his family, but then give us every piece of information we need to not only find out who he is, what that last name is, but also the local police blotter article that confirms this story.

Not gonna lie, when you stated:
“They also suggest never taking the system outside. This is because it will see the trees outside, remember what it used to be and get depressed, probably.”
I laughed a little harder than I should have. A little louder than anyone should have. Thanks for making my day.
As for this thing

I’m honestly surprised advertisers pulling their weight to have more control on where their advertising dollars went didn’t happen much sooner, but it’s happening now, and frankly I feel this correction will be the start of a significant change of how those who choose to make online broadcasting a career make their

My favorite EVE scam wasn’t even a scam in the traditional sense. It happened from time to time in RENS, it was often the same person doing it, and it went a little something like this:

Griefer: “Can anyone give me an example of harassment that will get a chacacter banned?”
Unwitting victim: “Go fuck yourself.”

If you’re a new player on EVE and you want to be protected from scams, just send me 2 PLEX and I’ll send you some information that will guarantee you never fall for any of these scams. Ever!

Also, if any of you want me to double your money, I have a way that can be done, just send it to me. It’ll double almost

It’s neat to see how these animators pull of slice-of-life commercials we are used to seeing every day, but in an animated form, creating an ideal world not take-by-take but frame by frame.

In other news, sounds like XSEED has an opening for a translator, if anyone is interested! :D

My CMDR name is on 3 planets, and until last month I had never flown anything more advance than a Cobra Mark III. You’d be surprised what you can do, if you keep a sharp eye.

At the house or apartment he was renting.

I dunno man, how many times to you have to say “enhance!” while clicking furiously before you can consider yourself 1337?

Only two years? And he won’t be expected to pay restitution to the companies which have suffered as a direct result of Mudd’s malicious software? They sure are lenient in Britian, aren’t they?

Install a docking computer, work a faction, get more money, get a better ship. Easy busy, lemon squeezy.

I mean, I’ll never fly anything cool like an Asp, but if I can work my way to both a Cobra III and a Diamondback Explorer, playing as little as a couple of hours each week, I’m sure you can do something like that

As a father of a child with sensory issues which are believed by an occupational therapist and a behavioral specialist, but due in part to his age not confirmed, to be on the autism spectrum I appreciate the tone of this article, what it attempts to confront, and how difficult that is.

I just really, REALLY wish you

Gita Jackson is actually Poppy, confirmed.

Lucky kid. I bailed out of MTG around the time Merc’s Masque was out (which I guess dates me) and then about five years ago stumbled across the cards.  

On the one hand, it’s very easy to armchair police. On the other hand, even by the report from the police themselves (not including the story from the victim) there were so many missed chances that this could have been deescalated without using firearms.  

It is worth noting that “non-lethal” armements like rubber bullets are pretty standard for situations where SWAT expects there to be hostages, which was claimed by McDaid as he pretended to be the victim.