These look like something you’d see in an Overwatch mobile card game, and honestly I’m not complaining.
These look like something you’d see in an Overwatch mobile card game, and honestly I’m not complaining.
No wonde the guy lost. That’s not how you get your head in the game...
While I understand this is sprite art, I’m not understanding why this is considered only 8-bit instead of 16-bit. Is it because the use of black throughout the sprite means you can get away with a color palette with fewer colors on the sprite?
Monster Hunter X came out not quite a year and a half ago in Japan and still gets a lot of play; by comparison, XX isn’t seen as a new iteration so much as “an expansion” so in that I’m not surprised fewer people opted to go for it. That being said, over half a million people choose not to make the purchase, which…
I know that as just another internet person my opinion doesn’t matter, but I’m going to share it anyways.
Mr. Grayson, whenever you do a review, I know that you’re going to tie it in to your own experiences, and what it means to you and how it relates to you. It’s your brand, I’m never surprised by it. I often don’t…
Well this reeks of casting whiter than Wonder Bread. Also, I sarcasticly love the new story location and can’t wait to see how they adopt things. Looking forward to seeing the protagonist Light Turner, for example, and it will be exciting when the Arizona Prefecture Police get involved to solve those murders. Can…
I’m confused, isn’t this just like chibi or SD, which has been in use since at least the early 2000's?
Genuine question: how did you ever get out of the grays?
I am pretty sure the Zelda franchise is by far better than Kanye West, and has shown a lot more innovation as it held true to some of it’s tried-and-true elements that the popstar rapper. A lot of other games also explore different angles while holding true to similar elements, and the complaining is minimum. Mario…
Why is it that in every post about the Link/Zelda franchise, there’s gotta be one person complaining about how it’s in their feed every damn day? Just scroll down and ignore it. It’s an exceptionally popular legacy franchise that many grew up on and many more are anticipating, so of course it’s going to get a lot of…
I know a list like this can never be all-encompassing, but I’m saddened there’s no love for the Etrian Odyssey series. Yuzo Koshiro has done an amazing job with the franchise, and I feel it deserves a mention here.
You all need Jesus.
This looks really cool, and the explanation is full of the best kind of hype, but right there in the first paragraph you stated:
“Even its creator isn’t entirely sure what it will become.”
That concerns me. Working on a project without a solid, viable idea of where it is going or at least where it SHOULD be going makes…
Too soon, man. Too soon.
Except, Nintendo DID try to sue the maker of Gameshark.
This question will come off to some people as trolling, and it isn’t, I’m geniunely curious: what does this game offer, that Elite: Dangerous (et al) doesn’t, that would make it worth checking out and considering? Obviously the graphics are more colorful and crafting is a bit more meaningful, but... that doesn’t seem…
From the linked statement in question:
“I’m fully aware that I’ve made some bad decisions. I should’ve stopped this a long time ago and absolutely not moved in with him. One time I sat on his lap on the bus when there were no other seats free, a friend noticed and told me I shouldn’t do that because of obvious…
Can’t wait for the storyarc where the father/son team deal with a pickup team that expects to be carried and blames the duo for a wipe. Or the storyarc where they discover what a Manthra is.
Well, it’s not tournament legal now!
. . . and honestly, with artwork like this, I’m okay with it!
It’s been forever since I’ve played, and my time with the game was short at that, but: in FF14, does the tank pull? That wasn’t the average case in 11, when there would often be a dedicated puller, especially to keep chains going. I wonder if there are other games that do this differently.
Great advice regardless…