
What is the base and inclusive price of this service/software? I remember looking at Fantasy Grounds which looked really neat and had a lot of tools similar to what this is talking about... but it was $40 for the base product. If one purchased all of the content that came with this tool, it would cost about $400! That

While you are correct in regards to when the difficulty spike hit in regards to 16th note streams, I’m not sure who you are talking with who considers using the bar to be “acceptable.” Plenty of competitive and hardcore players work on these songs with limited or no use of the hand rails.

For those of us not used to modding Starcraft (or other Blizzard games) how easy and accessable is installing this additional? Will installing this mod make it difficult to play Starcraft II as it was originally meant to be played, for example?

Fahey @ 1:38: “You guys, whatever. This is fine. This is fine.”
Keep telling yourself that, hahaha.

Sad fact, specific naming has been proven not to work. :C

I kind of want to play Phantom Brave, but I remember how god awful glitchy Disgaea PC was for like the first week so who knows.

I’ll be honest, I see it as a solid step in ARG. Ingress was a solid proof-of-concept that never really caught on; Pokemon GO has caught on in part because of nostalgia and an established franchise many have already wrapped their head around. The next step, likely, will be creating a game that’s more involved.


I see this video and my first thought is pretty much
“Why has God forsaken us?”
I mean, Mario has done the 3-D thing successfully how many times now?
Why can’t Sonic get it right?

I’ve played Elite Dangerous: Horizons for a bit now, but only in about the last two weeks have I gotten involved in various communities, gotten better at the game, and kind of found my own grove as to what works against the game vs what works for me as a player. So I’ll probably be doing that again this weekend, to

Why not both? :O

God how I wish when I played FF14 I knew the people to get to the points of the game that were this fun and looked this good.

“Some of these jobs, like Scholar and Viking, would be phased out after this game;”

I hate to be “that guy” but Scholar would see several iterations in future Final Fantasy games. It was in Final Fantasy Tactics A2 as a mage class specific to the Nu Mou race. In Final Fantasy 11, it was released as a class that

#youthfulOptimism I guess. I agree with Snagglepuss, there is no reality in the world where the party that actively acted in sabotage against Sanders even as he used their name and image for the presidential bid would have also accepted and encouraged him as a Vice President choice. The guy’s not a Democrat, there’s

It absolutely amazes me that Second Life is still a thing. I have known people that have thrown their real lives away for this game, and I remember when companies actively advertised and promoted themselves on here like it was going to be the next big social thing. And now it’s this social sandbox-slash-chatroom that

It’s amazing that torrenting has been around for at least the last 15 years and yet not only are we just now seeing major websites taken down or their owners taken to court, but it seems that people on the whole still prefer using these public trackers and are surprised when their favorite websites eventually get shut

I know it is 2016 and not 2006, but I’m curious if Toonami is expected to be censoring or altering any part of this show for its viewers, considering their history of doing similar things in the past. That said, any additional exposure to this show is a good thing so I’m glad to see it get a more mainstream US release.

Those poor Iowans! By the time they are out, everyone will have two years on them in Pokemon GO!

All those people who have invested money in this illicit practice, suddenly finding their investments worthless (outside of making their weapons looking a bit prettier.) Sweet, sweet tears of justice.

“I’ve seen quite a few people playing Ana in ways that range from Real Dumb to How Are You Playing Overwatch Right Now Because You Are Clearly Three Raccoons Fighting Over A Ball Of Trash.”

Come on, guy, be patient. She just barely came out. People are going to have to play her and see what she can and can’t do