
No comment on Aaron Rodgers possibly being engaged to Shailene Woodley? (He mentioned a fiance in his NFL MVP acceptance speech but didn’t mention a name)

This is confusing: “ensuring that “upper-income taxpayers” don’t get stimulus money”

That is a HARD 25. Ease up on the slap and the surgery, lady.  You look like a desperate housewife.

Rose may have a broken “character judgement” antenna. She keeps getting f*cked over by people in her life, so her view of what constitutes a “good” relationship might be skewed. Manson probably treated her abusively but she’s not in the headspace yet to recognize it as abuse.

Who is Shawkat, and why is she dressed like a woman in her late fifties?

Meanwhile, Stacey Abrams has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Suck it, GOP. You’re backing Marjorie “Qaren” Greene, and you’ve got a problem with Stacey Abrams?  What’s that saying about first casting the plank out of your own eye before removing the speck out of your neighbors’?

Yeah, nothing like a RWNJ who wears a mask with “CENSORED” written on it....while giving a speech to congress that is televised internationally on several networks.

Definitely needed, but....there’s nothing fake christians love more than being a martyr. Watch her climb up on her cross and brag (more) about how persecuted she is. As bent as the Q-GOP types are, they’ll love her even more now.  She might ride this to the presidency. 

...and that was just weeks after the massacre. She’s stalking him, bragging to him about her gun rights and how she’s carrying concealed and asking if Soros is paying him. Hateful b*tch.

“Stedman—who is married and has a young child”

Not only a part of the Senate, but a crucial part, given that it’s a 50:50 tie and the VP is the tiebreaker. 

Yup.  Several of the brand new congresspeople are Trojan horses.  Boebert for sure; probably Marjorie Taylor-Greene and Madison Cawthorne too. 

Check out the footage of the maskless masses celebrating in Tuscaloosa last night.  Roll COVID!

An entire generation was raised on formula and we turned out fine.  Relax, moms. 

There won’t be a follow up call; Tuberville did as he was instructed (objected to several states electoral votes) by his puppetmasters.  He didn’t need Rudy’s reminder.

A robot could have done Pence’s job last night.  Repeating the boilerplate statements over and over again.  So, yeah, a low bar to clear.

I wanted a more aggressive AG, because backs need to be put up against the wall and feet need to be put to the fire. There need to be consequences for Trump and his cronies that spent the past 4 years committing treason.

Hillary Clinton’s tweet this morning: “Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.”

Can a person in the greys get out of the greys for 2021?!?

So the feds are leaving the details of “Operation Warp Speed” to the states. States like Florida, where the incompetent governor has apparently left everything up to local officials, so there’s a hodge podge of procedures and a mass of misinformation floating around. Which leads to senior citizens lining up at