I honestly hope the multiplayer is like RE5...I enjoyed it immensely
I honestly hope the multiplayer is like RE5...I enjoyed it immensely
@Krakenstein: ROFL...epic win
@GigasBreaker: QFT!!!!!!
why do ignorant people have to give Christianity and Christians a bad name?...this verse is taken COMPLETELY out of context. GAH! idiots are a waste of air and resources.
@dafthero: sorry didn't see yours before I posted the pic I did
California legislation once again proves it is bat shit insane and has no clue what the hell is going on in modern society...really? use an example from a 7 almost 8 year old game?
@AncientUnknown1: PS3 for me, but same reason...just don't like the offset thumbstick.
good, ports suck...each console has a different way to develop for, different strengths, and weaknesses. I agree that lead platforms do nothing to promote a game...look what happened with the Orange Box and what I hope will not happen with Portal 2. Besides devs are pussies now...I hear that it was much more of a…
I remember when they were talking about this...rumors were around waaaay back when sub zero's solo game came out on PS1.
sent in mine...wish me luck
ROFL, that was great...I need to play Naughty Bear
ROFL, the old spice commercial at the end was probably the best part of that clip
@ttocs: QFT
reminds me of the old Pit Fighter arcade game
@Cptn.Rhodes: I use both...Hulu for TV shows and Netflix for Blu Ray movies and streaming old movies
Amazing article Bash...as the father of a 7 week old son, I cannot wait to employ some of the same techniques and start growing closer to my son each and every day.
I have to say Super Mario Bros.
I have a BC compatible PS3 and all of the PS2 games already, but you can be certain if they redid them all in a collection I would buy it