
@Ken: don't need a euro account...played and beat it on my US account...demo was great...just long enough to keep me super psyched but short enough to make me want it sooner

@Seiven: playing through again to see if I can get different results

Just beat the demo...good stuff. Awesome visuals, the controls take a little bit to get used to, but overall this has me even MORE excited about the game.

just got my code...WOOT downloading now. I have been following this game for years now. Looking forward to the full game on the 23rd

Now playing

fool me once...shame on you...fool me twice, and uh...I won't be fooled again.

@Janglesatwest: Great movie, but the suit says A7 not 77...77 was the puppet vault referenced to in Penny Arcade if I recall correctly.

@Shrewsbury: I agree, played on my friends PC before I decided to get it on console instead, because of Games for Windows crap.

I cannot wait for this game, I hope they make the storyline more in-line with the original PC games. sounds like it will be more RPG and less shooter. Going to go out and pre-order today.

ROFL...anyone want to pool together the funds and see if we can get an uber edition?

Right there with you man, my wife and I are having our first child around June 7th this year...we found out it is a boy and are just starting to feel him kick. The experience is better than any pet so far. I just can't wait to teach him all the crazy shit I know. Congrats man.

UPDATE...orignal post on PS Blog had a typo.

ROFL, that is hilarious...I love that guy

I went and looked at all the pictures of those two girls...something strangely attractive about two girls eating cake, but the cake is a lie sooooo.....

FREE is awesome, give me an excuse to return too...this was a great game, but too many other greats came out right after it.

This is my biggest pet peeve with gaming right began with the ICO fiasco when I first became aware of "westernizing cover art." I was floored when I saw the western Heavy Rain art...why the FSCK do publishers feel the need to create an identity crisis for a game?

@excel_excel: I much as I like Nolan, I would like to see David more.

I wholeheartedly agree with you Luke. The first game was the reason I purchased a PS3...the sequel made me glad I did. I sometimes have problems "holding myself back" from a great story. like books I have started and never want to end...they stay on my shelf with a bookmark about 3/4 the way through for years.

@Mathrin: lol, but Salem is a lot funnier this game. I love the side comments as Shanghai falls around you.

honestly I love Nolan North and it was his voice that made me decide to buy Army of Two the 40th day instead of renting it. He might yet even convince me to buy DarkVoid (which I didn't plan on before I found out he was acting in the game)

Army of Two: The 40th Day, Darksiders, and maybe WET since I picked it up used cheap.