
Red Faction: Guerilla, inFamous, Killzone 2, and some LBP

NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...!!!!!!!!!! I need my rotund aspiring queen NOW!!!!

glad to hear the condition is getting better, our prayers were and will continue to be with you.

it will be awesome to have all 3 platforms use the same servers...I would love to form alliances and guilds based on platform and really fight it

@nukee: and I am lucky enough to be the IT dept. here at my work, turned off the content filter to "make updates to important software"

inFamous, and some LBP most likely...maybe some other PSN PAIN

100KP - DSi Virtual Console announced, gets Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance support (5:1)

calling it here and now...MGS5 featuring Raiden on both 360 and PS3...and I am not a 360 fanboy...don't even own one, I am a PS3 owner (will get another 360 though sometime - sold mine last year) But this is following suite with FFXIII

I CALLED IT BITCHES...tired of fanboys from both sides. Games are driven by MONEY and there are a lot of PS3 owners that will cough up good money for that DLC.

spider-heels gets my vote...the most red by volume and the Suicide Girls are just hot as hell

definitely a Metal Gear game...see source code:

i got the figure from our store's box and got a lanyard and badge too...I can't wait for BC.

@Mechalon: I agree MUCH more fun than I thought it would be...I just wish they had stayed canon with the story and not deviated to tie in with the movie. (movie was acceptable, but not as good as I hoped)

I will say I accepted the movie for what it was...but the game was FAR better than the movie. I am still on my first play through and am loving it. Honestly a LOT better than I expected.

Wolverine origins, Army of 2, and Killzone 2

bad sequels...yes, good sequels...nah never get tired of more of a good thing.

LBP, KZ2, and probably even a little Uncharted.

I thouroughly am enjoying Mirror's edge and look forward to messing around with the err hack/mod/file copy-age

@Firecrest: what did you mod on it? if you can mod it you should be able to fix it...not really that hard with some soldering know how.