
I LOVE Deadspace..each and every scream reminds me of how good this game is.

DeadSpace is Frakking amazing...scariest game I have ever played...taking my time on is, but OMG looks beautiful.

@InfernoT: ROFL this comment just made my day


Asian tastes?...why does it always have to be about race...she is damn hot to me how she is...AND in the photoshopped version. I will take them both.

going to do what any educated self respecting, PC-Savvy gamer would do...get the PS3 version and pirate the PC version...I mean, uh...forget I said that last part

Guy or girl? damn same question we have with Raiden...I guess that is what you call accurate cosplay.

LBP Beta, Home Beta, some Burnout Paradise all enjoyed on my new Sony KDL46V4100... leaving Kotaku to take it out of the box now

OMG that guy at about 36secs in almost jumps back then mocks him, I wanted to see sackboy bumrush him and kick him in the head...but then again I have a bit of an anger problem right now

WHOA devotion, I like it

got into the Home beta...spent some time there and played some LBP beta...this weekend was "betta" than last weekend =)

@semiconscious: plus isn't Pirates a joint Sony/Disney IP?

@mt: nd gn, nd gn, nd gn...f th PS3 hd n ns t wld b th sz f hcky rnk.

really excited about this update. I managed to pick up the game at a Sony outlet store for $30 3 days ago. It has been a great distraction from the hurricane...but playing your PS3 on a cheap ass motel TV is not a great replacement for your 50" at home with surround sound. I can't wait to see this game when power

overhyped and under delivered by now...sorry Sony I think a 2 year delay has made even the most devout fanboys and girls disappointed.

I hate country too, but DAMN she is hot

ahhh seaman...this game started me down a path of enjoying extremely weird niche games. I still do to this day gather all the weird ones I can find: flOw, Mesmerize (PSeye games), elephunk, and soon LBP. If it doesn't fit into a single genre, or any genre for that matter, you can be sure I will buy it.

sweet thanks for the information...going to have to check out that nightly build update