
@bobtheduck: yeah it is not as great as it once was but still is fun to read. I also get game informer, and I think 2 I found a website where I can get subs for less than $3 a year for each magazine. so I can justify 25 for Qore.

I will say I am not a fanboy I just enjoy reading about gaming. I have a subscription to EGM, Xbox magazine, PS magazine, and Ninendo Power. I will gladly get a sub to Qore. I love all the bonus stuff...hell if a game offers a collector's or limited edition I get it every time. If I am a fanboy I am a fanboy of GAMING

@Tyber_Zann: mmmmmm black forest cake is the best

SWEET update, in class right now and keeping an eye on the Blog. Will be subscribing to a full year of Qore when I get home tonight...I think it will be MORE than worth the 25 bucks. :)


@Servant_of_Jashin: Confirmed as an unlock...not confirmed how though (interview with Hideo)

glad to see the dev team interacting with the press and not avoiding them like a lot of game companies would do. I for one could care less about "another install" like some people complain about. I mean really...the installs make the game run better. Look at Portal for PS3 vs. 360 (I have owned and beat both

@doing: during cut scenes...right?

Interesting, I currently own a PS3, Wii, PSP, and DS with my PS3 getting the most use and I am 27. So I guess I am extremely typical.

Damn I want one

So THIS must have been the reason to delay Home...they couldn't FULLY unleash the marketing power hidden within until the deal was

DAMN IT I got the wrong answer...who the hell calls a move helmet splitter?

@D00mM4r1n3: It sounds like it is more than exclusive demos to play etc. I am keeping an open mind until I see it on Thursday.

I have this edition pre-ordered and have been watching the trailer on repeat. I need something to "look forward" to after MGS4 releases. I think I find it more fun to fawn after an unreleased game than play some of the ones I own.

Damn I wanted a thumbs up one...or maybe even one partially melted by toxic waste.

They should give him a free one now

wait wait a game of a movie of a game?

finished up the entire Metal Gear Series in prep for the release on the 12th...I did skip the AC!D series real reason to play those since the story doesn't coincide with the canon.

PR guys get power hungry too often I most cases the actual celebs doing the signing don't even know that their fans are getting a royal screw then again sometimes they do and don't care. I would assume the only reason Hideo wouldn't sign your entire collection and take a few pics would be time