
I don’t even see the Matrix code anymore. All I see is... blonde, brunette, redhead...

Gentlemen, you can’t fight here. This is the war room.

I hate that feeling so much :/

White privilege

WRONG. It’s actually just one guy named Ralph Blizzard and he appreciates taking priorities from people posting in comments sections so he knows what to work on first.

Based on the intro video, you would think that there would be a mode that has a team of players fight off invading aliens.

Not me. I write in the rain a lot. When I am sad, the rain mixes with my tears and becomes one with the words on the soggy paper.

The first thing you should do upon moving into a new house or apartment is rip the showerhead off the wall and replace it with something decent.

The first thing you should do upon moving into a new house or apartment is rip the showerhead off the wall and

Just as an aside to all of this, one of the stories linked says the guy walked in through an unlocked back door. Kids, please: lock your doors. I know you feel like nothing can happen to you at that age, but even if you feel like it’s unnecessary, please please pleasepleaseplease lock your doors. In college my brother

Fuck Rahm Emanuel. He is such a piece of shit.

I think “We have given Greg a second chance” admits that he did something wrong in the first place, and recognizing that he did something wrong but not punishing him or advocating any punishment undermines the notion that Jerry Jones and the Cowboys and The NFL take domestic violence seriously. They don't. Football

Absolutely. The G2 07, purple ink being the preference. Lightweight, smooth line, inexpensive. My go-to favorite.

Absolutely. The G2 07, purple ink being the preference. Lightweight, smooth line, inexpensive. My go-to favorite.

I ride motorcycles and have for over 20 years now. Have I passed people on a double yellow before when I was younger? Absolutely. Do I do it anymore? No way. Is it always wrong? Yes, for at least two reasons: (1) it means you are out of driver expectation (same as bicyclists running stop signs even when it’s “safe” -

I don’t have any issue with bikes, but your attitude hear does nothing but harm to other bikers. The law and rules of the road still apply to you. Your bike does not give you a free pass to ignore certain laws because you feel like it.


Because any 8 year old who gets up at that time is probably in military school. Duh.

The Frogger segment was awesome. Just posted some screenshots.

Teen Titans Go